Friday, July 17, 2015

Secession from Tyranny

Because of tyranny we seceded from Great Britain in 1776. We seceded from the Union in 1860. Is it time to secede again? Charles Stoker
Dear Editor, Southern folks deserve to have a culture they can celebrate too. I would like to address the bashing of those that fly the Saint Andrews Cross Battle Flag, aka the Virginia battle flag and Confederate battle flag. I have met and conversed recently with many young folks calling themselves "Southern Patriots", and would like to relay to the public at large that I found no hate in them. To the contrary I found them to be highly principled, with a belief system based in Christianity. They viewed themselves as a group that has been disenfranchised, and miss characterized as a bunch of dumb Yahoo Southerner redneck inbred degenerates who drink moonshine and fight all the time. They feel they are under attack by the news media, history books, school teachers, National and State Legislators, who they claim want to remove all vestiges of Southern culture and history, including all reference of them as Christians, and all historical reminders of a war they believe resulted in a forced power shift (grab) by the Federal government at the expense of individual rights, local control and States rights. The War of northern aggression (Lincoln's War) forever diminished our rights under the Constitution. This is important because all of the freedoms we gained breaking away from the tyranny of Great Britain that we articulated in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and Bill of Rights were quickly and irrevocable taken away by Abraham Lincoln's big Government power grab. Before the illegal war of northern aggression, the Federal government was the inferior and operated at the direction of states, and it was clearly understood that individual states had the right to secede from a tyrannical Federal Government, just like in the American Revolution we seceded from a tyrannical Great Britain. For instance the Federal Government had no right to levy a tax on it's citizens and instead received their revenue from each state and from import tariffs, but Lincoln's war changed all of that. In effect Lincoln went to war against his own people and weaken the nation by killing and wounding well over a million of it's most productive citizens and depleting our national resources. The South had no choice but to secede from the Union when Lincoln imposed confiscatory duty / tariff (tax) on all goods shipped from one state to another which brought the South to their knees economically. Similar to the Stamp Act that Great Britain imposed upon us prior to our Declaration of Independence. The Stamp Act resulted in armed troops entering any house without a search warrant and confiscating entire contents and jailing inhabitants if they found even one item inside without a stamp on it that indicated the taxes had been paid. Our 2nd Constitutional President John Adams later reverted back to big government by passing the "Alien and Sedition Act" that also allowed these no knock warrants and put many in jail for criticizing his Presidency. Thank God Thomas Jefferson did not renew, so it expired, only to be resurrected by Abraham Lincoln which was indeed legitimate cause for succession. Constitutional expert Judge Andrew Napollitano said "The Declaration of Independence states that when the Government ceases to recognize our natural rights (derived from God) that it was the duty of the people to alter or abolish it (abolish the tyrannical government); and for those of you who may think well that is just the Declaration of Independents, the fact is the Declaration of Independence is the law of the land. The law that gave us birth was also adopted by the Constitutional Convention as law and if you go to the U S code you will find it there. So the Southern culture is that of individual freedom of the natural rights of man derived from God and not Government. To Southerners that is what the war was fought over. Slavery was a whole separate issue and it is not at all apart of Southern culture. The Southern culture is composed of Christians that are fiercely independent highly productive law abiding believers in our Constitution the bill of rights and the Declaration of Independence. God, Family and Country are their priorities. It is not even about the War of Northern aggression. It is about a people, a Christian culture of freedom loving, fiercely independent and abundantly productive Southern people trying to survive the constant bombardment of the values they hold most dear. Haters want to finish wiping out the last vestiges of what is considered Southern, by demonizing all things Southern. The fact is the South seceded from the Union for the same reasons as the Colonies seceded from Great Britain, tyranny. It may be nearing the time to secede again. God bless America, God Bless the South and pass the fried chicken. Charles Stoker
Source: Educational Freedom Coalition, 7/15/15

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