Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Government Debt Clock Tickith

World government debt for all countries is $61.1 trillion according to
All countries with (GDP, population, external debt and %debt/GDP) appear on these websites:  and
The top 10 GDP countries plus Greece are listed below:
Country             GDP         Pop     Ext Debt  %GDP   
United States    $17.4T      321M   $18.5T   106%
China                $8.2T        1.4B     $3T          38%
Japan                $5.1T        127M   $2.9T       60%
Germany           $3.2T        81M     $5.5T      145%
France               $2.87T      66M     $5.7T      222%
UK                     $2.84T      65M      $9.6T      406%
Brazil                 $2.53T     203M    $0.4T       15%
Russia               $2.12T     143M     $0.6T       23%
Italy                    $2.12T     61M       $2.7T      124%
India                   $1.85T     1.3B       $0.4T       23%   
Greece               $192B      11 M      $360 B    174%  
Greece borrowed more than they could make payments on and defaulted on 6/30/15. They also had too many government employees and too many early retirees. Italy, UK, France, Germany and the US has similar problems.
Russia, Brazil and the Asian countries are managing their debt much better than the US and the European governments when you look at external debt.  Japan is funding over half of its total debt internally, with savings from its own citizens. The UK takes the cake for highest debt/GDP of 406% and I wonder where they get their cash.
The US is a disgrace. Half of what government spends is totally wasted.
The US and other countries who overspend and over-borrow need to freeze government hiring, pensions and salaries to get off the 20 million headcount numbers we see to under 10 million.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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