Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Western Government Debt

Let’s go back to 1990. We in the US had experienced the electronics manufacturing revival and things were good. We were selling 10 year old computer devices to the rest of the world.  Other countries were demanding that some of the manufacturing be done in their countries.
Our current dilemma started with the notion of “globalism”.  We declared we were part of a “global marketplace”.  Nobody reminded these geniuses that we had been part of a global marketplace for thousands of years.
Then we were told that we were entering the “Information Age” and the US was going to become an “information economy”.  Well, the information wasn’t good.  In 1993 NAFTA off-shored all of our manufacturing and open borders and excessive immigration were soaking up whatever jobs remained.  All this time, the US government was resisting calls to close the borders, stop immigration, drill US oil and get off the private sectors’ back.  It fell on deaf ears and it still does. 
In 1992, the UN launched to “global warming hoax” and all Western Leaders jumped on the bandwagon for this imaginary phenomenon.  European countries spend hundreds of billions of dollars to embrace “alternative energy” like solar and wind and we were told we all needed to be “green”.  We were all told that we should build multi-trillion dollar bullet trains and light rail to be “green”. Two decades later and a lot poorer, some of those European countries like Germany stopped trying to be “green” and started to worry about their own economies and rightly so. But they weren’t worried enough to do much about their deficit spending. 
Now that the global warming hoax has been thoroughly rejected, I am amazed that the perpetrators haven’t been hung for global scamming.  But there has been no retribution. I think the global economy-wrecking global warming hoax is worthy of a Nuremberg trial.  There are Bills in Congress to quit the UN, but they have not been moved forward.  
Just like the perpetrators of the 2008 Meltdown, all the scammers escaped without being tarred and feathered. 
The Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD rules that set up the extortion scam that caused the Meltdown have yet to be repealed even today. These federal non-discrimination rules together with artificially low interest rates and no regulation for Hedge Funds, credit default swaps and derivatives and no rules banning “no doc” mortgages bundled into securities were put in place.
So, Western countries got a double hit; one from “green” mal-investment and the next by the 2008 Meltdown. Having learned nothing, Western governments find themselves dealing with their sovereign debt problems and high unemployment caused by the global warming scam, excessive immigration, unsustainable socialist welfare schemes, crony capitalism and a hostile regulatory environment for free market businesses. In addition, the US wasted trillions on “nation-building” in the Middle East.
Global warming fans have been quiet lately, but they are gearing up for the UN “dead horse beating” meeting in December. Global warming has been thoroughly trashed.
Obama commits political suicide every time he insists that global warming is our “greatest threat”.  What he should say is that the trillions of dollars we wasted on the global warming scam is our greatest threat.
Prince Charles is in hiding. Bill Gates wants to reduce the global population from 7.5 billion to 500 million. Pope Francis is clueless. George Soros is funding all of our urban riot teams. The UN is now talking about global poverty.
I say, in my best New England accent: ‘The only thing we have to fear is our government itself!’ 
UN lovers should be wetting their pants.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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