Sunday, August 2, 2015

Communist Themes & Words

Communists are big on themes and changing the meaning of words.  George Orwell, author of “1984” knew this well and warned us about naming the government propaganda department the “Ministry of Truth”.  The notion that we should have “protected groups” is central to Communists penchant for dividing people by Race and Class.
Most striking is Communists’ habit of changing words.
The “gay 90s” now has a completely different meaning than it did 50 years ago.  I was used to describe the celebratory mood of the 1890s.  Now, “gay” has replaced homosexual.
Discrimination use to mean the ability to see fine distinctions and differences. Now is means racial bias.
Possession used to be 9/10ths of the Law, but now possession will get you 5 to 10 years in a federal penitentiary. But, 90% of all “discrimination suits have been dismissed a “groundless”, so it looks like discrimination may now be 9/10ths of the law.
Themes are another tool Communists use to intimidate free speech and subvert individual property ownership.
Apart ide was used to describe South Africa before they ran off all the white people.
Global village was used to describe our planet as if everything belonged to everybody with no borders.
Tolerance was the word used to convince everybody that they had to put up with everything.
Racist is the word used to describe those who refuse to be tolerant enough to put up with everybody.
Globalism began as “world-class” in the 1980s, when US technology companies could sell their 10 year old technologies overseas. It turned out to be a one-world Communist government ruled by a tyranical elite oligarchy of international criminals.
Diversity was another theme used by corporations in the 1990s to reinforce “affirmative action” and warn us that all of our jobs were about to be taken by foreigners.
The Information Age was introduced suggesting that Americans would now gather and manage information rather than manufacturing anything useful.
Social Justice sounds like it should mean being free to ignore anybody you don’t like. Instead it means that your property can be taken by government and redistributed to those the government wants it to go to, in order to buy their votes.
History used to mean a chronicle of facts, causes and effects over the past several thousand years. Now it is a fiction designed to support Communist propaganda.
Communists ignore the failures of governments throughout history whenever they denied private property rights and personal sovereignty to its citizens. Communists ignore human nature.  See: How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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