Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Economic Strategy

A critical part of strategic planning is to describe our current situation. We need to understand how we got into this mess in order to know how to reverse it. Our solutions are political. This post is my attempt to add some thought to this process.
My theories are based on my observations of history and human nature. My conclusions are based on common sense, but I recognize that my “world view” affects my theories. 
Current Situation
Western governments are broke and global GDP is declining.  Banks have used the Fed’s printed money at zero interest to invest to make their profits.  These banks are leveraged 70:1 and have put most of their money into hedge-fund bets.  Money printing has failed to prevent deflation, but it did restore and prop up the stock market to delay our day of reckoning.  We have a stock market bubble and a currency bubble and 38% unemployment. The US government has wasted $1 trillion a year on UN Agenda 21 implementation.
Countries with unsustainable debt must begin to find the funds to pay off their debts.  The primary goals should be to cut unnecessary expenses and use those funds to pay down debt.  You don’t solve your socialist debt problem with more socialist programs.
Nationalism occurs in response to depressions.  The immediate reaction in Western countries to their declining GDPs and unsustainable government debt is to scramble for more sales and jobs. Those countries who refuse to pay down their debts will go out of business.
Countries who signed on to UN Agenda 21 and “global governance” are realizing they can’t fund that plan and have stopped “going green”. Only the UN and its Marxist defenders will continue to promote the “new world order”.  The world’s focus is on getting their countries out of trouble. Lowering the cost and footprint of government and returning industries to the free market are required.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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