Monday, August 17, 2015

Hillary for Prison 2016

Hillary Claims it’s all Politics So She Will Not Answer Questions

The State Department emails shows Hillary bought a book “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe. In that book is a special chapter showing she knew what she was up to. Chapter Six: “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.” The chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

Hillary deliberately DESTROYED emails, she did not just delete them. But the NSA surely has copies. So why is nobody asking the NSA for them? Maybe they do not want to confirm that Snowden was correct after all?

Hillary cleverly sidesteps everything for her emails were in fact subpoenaed and she did not reveal she had a personal server. So they should have been turned over to Congress under subpoena. That is why what she did was criminal – obstruction of justice everyone else goes to jail for. She claims: “It’s not about emails or servers either. It’s about politics.” She claims Benghazi conspiracy theories were debunked by the hearings. But she withheld her emails from the Congressional investigation and DESTROYED them That is contempt of Congress and should be 5 years in prison.

Hillary illustrates why people are getting fed-up with politicians. She said: “I won’t get down in the mud with them. I won’t play politics with national security.” She is pretending that national security comes first. That’s the whole point. Why did all these foreign countries and foreign banks like UBS donate to her foundation? That was “personal” and it was revealed in the emails she deliberately DESTROYED .

The Washington Post reported that the FBI is looking into the security of the private email server that Hillary used when she was secretary of state. The FBI has asked Clinton’s lawyer David Kendall about the security of a thumb drive, containing copies of Clinton’s emails, that Kendall possesses. The Post report cited two anonymous government officials. However, Kendall has confirmed that the government was investigating the security of the devices. The NY Times has also confirmed that the FBI is looking into the procedures used in the private Clinton server. There is no question what Hillary did was criminal. She has counted on her standing in politics to cover everything up.

It really doesn’t matter for Democrats will vote for her and she knows that no matter what the scandal. Others will vote for her simply because she is a woman. That is what she is counting on. We get what we deserve.

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