Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Views on Issues

Immigration Control
Beyond closing the border, get control of visas and removal of criminal and illegal aliens, I oppose all immigration for a while.  It’s a necessary part of increasing employment participation for US citizens.
Taxes & Tariffs
Free Trade in the Global Economy hasn’t worked out for us.
Beyond slashing the Corporate Tax from 25% to 10% and removing an equal amount from subsidies, I would use tariffs to level the playing field. I would adopt Trump’s individual income tax proposal of 5%, 10% and 15% and remove 90% of the IRS Code.
Bad Federal Policy
I would quit the UN in retaliation for UN Agenda 21 and the global warming hoax. I would close the EPA and send it to the States in retaliation for their phony carbon war and water grabs.  I would repeal the endangered species act and all similar laws that impinge on private property rights. I would deed all federal lands to the States to sell for productive use. I would end the Federal Reserve as soon as possible.
Unconstitutional Activities
I would close all unconstitutional federal departments, agencies and programs and send them to the States and the People. I would restrict the federal government to the enumerated powers outlined in the US Constitution (as written). Foreign aid and grants would end.
Debt Repayment
I would cut the federal budget to less than revenue and pay principle on the National Debt and subsidize the wind-down of Social Security.
Campaign Finance
I would only allow voters to make campaign contributions and only for candidates who would appear on their own ballots.  I would end contributions from special interests and let them exercise their free speech on their own websites. They won’t work for us until we do this.
Free Market
I would transition healthcare, education, insurance, lending banking and other industries back to the free market for repair. Industries would do their own research. Airlines would provide their own security. Amtrak and the Post Office would be self-supporting.
Federal Budget
I would annually allocate $1 trillion for constitutional federal government activities, $1 trillion for debt repayment and $1 trillion for Social Security transition to private accounts.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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