Saturday, August 15, 2015

Obamacare Pain Just Beginning

ObamaCare launch is bumpy. There’s much more turbulence ahead.
By now we’ve all heard that the much-anticipated launch of the ObamaCare health insurance exchanges has been nothing short of a disaster. The website opened for business on October 1, but users are still having major problems with the site’s many glitches. The government had months to get this website set up and working properly, but many people are giving up trying to enroll due to all of its issues. The original estimate for the cost of the site was $93 million. It’s now gone up to $634 million. And per usual, guess who pays for that? That’s right, you and me and many other taxpayers who wanted nothing to do with ObamaCare in the first place.
As House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner asked, “How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn’t work?”
Some computer experts are saying that it will take months before the site is operating correctly. One said that because people will continue to try to use it while it’s being fixed, it will be like trying to repair a car while it’s driving. Apparently, those in the know realized the website would have a lot of problems before the launch took place, but it was pushed through anyway.
Here’s my take on this. Eventually the computer issues will be fixed and eventually everyone will forget about the problems associated with the ObamaCare launch. But that’s when the real problems will start that will make these computer issues seem like child’s play.
Businesses will be forced to cut staff, people will lose the health insurance they have through employers, states will go bankrupt and the economy will suffer. All that will occur due to ObamaCare working the way it was intended to. I’ll take computer problems over that any day of the week.
Are you surprised to see ObamaCare get off to such a rocky start, or is this pretty much what you had expected? Please feel free to chime in.

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