Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Obama’s Malevolence

Obama is ‘Pure Malevolence’ and has ‘Demoralized the Entire Nation’
Obama’s recent push to gain support for his nuclear deal with Iran was reminiscent of speeches he gives while on the campaign trail. He played up his deal and then vilified Republicans for not supporting it — putting them on the same stage as Iranian hardliners.
Host of the radio show The Savage Nation, Michael Savage, told his listeners that, “The president was a great salesman for Iran today. In fact, he is such a skilled rhetorician, he almost had me believing what he was saying, and I am the ultimate cynic.”
He went on to say that, in reality, “This deal is so bad that three prominent Jewish Democrats who have some integrity have all backed out supporting the deal. Iran isn’t a trustworthy partner in anything. It’s a nation known for its cheating. It’s part of their inherent culture.”
Savage took a moment to examine more closely the different ways that people attempt to find meaning in their lives. It was his conclusion that,
“Most Americans have no reason to live. They have no inspiration, no reason to go on. I know it’s harsh but it’s true. …
You look at Obama and see a skinny guy with weird ears, but he is pure malevolence. He has evaporated the inspiration for many people to go on. He has demoralized the entire nation.
Obama is so bad, the Democrat Party should be sued for malpractice
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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