Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Population Control

In the 1960s, academics predicted that the global population at 6 million was too high and that we should expect massive wide-spread famine.  These are the same nut-bags who believe in global warming.

Farmers in the U.S. and other countries just grew more food. Sure there were famines in 3rd world countries, but drought and war always caused that in those places.

These same academics also said that the US population would consist of mostly racial minorities, but this time these clowns must have gained control of the US Immigration System and are making it happen.

Some History

Governments in the middle ages were predatory and would invade neighboring countries to get their stuff.  The Viking raiders were the first terrorists.  They we independent criminal tribes. 

Populations were totally eliminated during wars if they were known to hold a grudge and come back to attack to take vengeance. Early conquerors were known for wiping out entire populations to bring fear to future victims and remove potential enemies.  Some conquerors allowed their captives to live if they needed slaves or thought they could be assimilated.

If the excuse for wiping out populations was racial or ethnic, then you had purges like Jews in Nazi Germany and White Dutch and British farmers in South Africa.

The need for labor generally spurs population acquisition, but now we have more people than jobs. We also have open borders and a welfare state. Government has created these conditions and are importing unneeded labor at an alarming rate. Most of these immigrants do not assimilate.  This is an invasion. During our early years, America did have ample opportunities for all immigrants to come to America and be self-reliant. During the 1930s, the government froze immigration because there were no jobs.  We have that situation now, but the government has increased immigration. This has resulted in a 38% rate of unemployment for US citizens.

Obama and the Democrats are aligned with the UN, whose goal is to reduce the global population by 90%. They are not on our side and are a threat to liberty. They are Communists who want to destabilize the US.  They cannot be trusted to work in government or hold political office.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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