Monday, August 3, 2015

Stop Muslim Refugees

Stop Obama's flood of Muslim 'refugees' Exclusive: Pamela Geller calls on Americans to demand end to 'resettlement' program, by Pamela Geller, 8/2/15, WND
Here is legislation that should be supported by every freedom-loving American. A Texas Republican congressman, Rep. Brian Babin, last Wednesday introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, H.R. 3314, which would immediately suspend Obama’s disastrous and dangerous refugee resettlement program, pending a complete review of its federal, state and local costs.
Those costs are not just financial. Rep. Babin explained: “It is extremely unsettling that the Obama administration would continue to expand the U.S. resettlement program at such an irresponsible pace in light of our economic and national security challenges. While this program may be warranted in certain situations, it is continuing at an unchecked pace. For the past decade the U.S. has been admitting roughly 70,000 new refugees a year, with little understanding of the economic and social costs on our communities.”
The social costs are incalculable. Obama has been importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims under the Refugee Resettlement Program. Despite the spike in jihad plots and attacks in the U.S. and the genocide of non-Muslims under Shariah, Obama remains unmoved. Under Obama, it’s a world where arrogance rules.
Babin’s bill would put a check on this program. “Our legislation,” he said, “institutes a common-sense pause in the program so that we can better understand the long-term and short-term costs that this program has on local governments, states and U.S. taxpayers. It also gives us an opportunity to examine potential national security issues related to entry and resettlement, particularly as federal law enforcement officials are increasingly concerned about home-grown terrorists.”
Babin is right. It’s always a shock to people when they first find out how refugee resettlement works. Instead of giving refuge to the religious minorities who are persecuted, oppressed and subjugated under the Shariah, we are opening the floodgates to Islamic supremacists and jihadists. (More on Muslim immigration here.) The Obama administration has been and is importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims from jihad nations. No vetting for jihad is being done.
The real victims of the global jihad are the Christians and religious minorities. They are not being offered refuge or asylum here in the U.S., or are held up by unspecified red tape. Obama is not bringing in persecuted Christians (“Christians, what Christians?”), Jews, Bahais, etc.; instead, he is bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims. The only refugees we should be resettling from the war-torn Middle East are those Christians and others who have been driven out of their homes by Islamic jihadists, or managed to escape before they were enslaved or massacred. Instead, the United States stands by while they are ethnically cleansed from their ancient homelands.
And what most folks don’t know is, it’s the Organization of Islamic Cooperation-driven United Nations that decides who gets refugee status. The mandate of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees determines which of the world’s “huddled masses” comes to the U.S. as humanitarian refugees.
Refugee resettlement is a euphemism for importing whole Muslim communities, importing jihad. Under the Refugee Resettlement Programs, Muslim communities in their entirety are imported into the United States from jihad nations. I have long documented the targeting of gateway cities (smaller cities) that are overwhelmed with Muslim refugee immigration from countries like Somalia – cities like Emporia, Kansas; Nashville; Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado; Lewiston, Maine, et al.
These programs are disastrous to the gateway cities designated for settlement. The sudden influx of refugees causes a drain on city resources that then leads these refugees to move elsewhere and create a drain on new communities, as shown in these reports. Obama has already imported hundreds of thousands of these “refugees,” and many, many more are coming.
The only thing more dangerous than the jihadists in our midst are their patrons and benefactors.
WND reported that “the refugee resettlement industry, which includes legions of immigrant rights advocates, lawyers and community organizing groups funded by George Soros, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, among others, churned out a document in 2013 on how to deal with so-called ‘pockets of resistance.’ The document, authored by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the nine government contractors doing resettlement work, advised refugee advocates to research the backgrounds of local people who oppose resettlements and turn them over to the Southern Poverty Law Center for public shaming as ‘racists’ and ‘anti-Muslim’ bigots.”
This is further proof that the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, is nothing more than a smear machine designed to destroy the forces of good. These are the tactics of totalitarians and supremacists. And this is who the media turns to for comment on the work of my colleagues and me. There is not one mainstream media outlet that does not quote the SPLC libels when reporting on my work.
Freedom-loving Americans must understand that this is what every one of us, the individual, is up against: a billion-dollar machine of destruction and hate. Churchill said of Islam: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” And I would add one thing. No stronger retrograde force exists in the America today than the left.
The Democrats have made refugee resettlement a lucrative business for agencies like Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and World Relief Corporation. These voluntary agencies are paid by the State Department to place refugees in American cities and towns – and they get $12 to $20 billion every year to do it.
Ironic how most of these agencies represent religions that are being persecuted and slaughtered by these very Muslim communities.
For Democrats, says Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch, all this is “driven by progressives looking for reliable left-wing Democrat voters; that’s a driving force. I think there’s a certain amount of just wanting to rub diversity in the noses of conservative communities and places where there isn’t a lot of diversity and just bringing them in and push the whole multicultural meme on us.”
This will forever be a bloody stain on an anti-American, anti-freedom, jihad-aligned presidency. It is more of the poison fruit from the party of treason.
Contact your representative here. Insist that he or she support Babin’s bill to put a stop to this madness.
Media wishing to interview Pamela Geller, please contact


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