Monday, August 3, 2015

The US Economy Killers

Excessive immigration of legal and illegal immigrants is the major cause of real US unemployment. The percentages like 7.9% quoted are merely the percent of the unemployed filing for unemployment insurance.  The vast majority of real unemployed American citizens is found in the 38% of working-age US citizens who are not employed.  The percentage of US citizens with jobs is 62%. During the last great depression in the 1930s, the US government suspended all immigration, because jobs were not available.  This 2nd great depression is worse.  All immigration should be suspended until these percentages are adjusted substantially to the benefit of US citizens.
Current immigrants are unskilled and become welfare recipients and jail inmates.  They all need to be deported, the border closed and most visas restricted or cancelled.
EPA Regulations
The EPA clean air regulations will increase our electric bills by 500%, the difference in production costs of coal and nuclear vs. solar and wind.  This will drive more jobs overseas to avoid our pending soaring electric bills.
EPA clean water regulations will put government in charge of the creek that runs through your back yard. On farms, government will, in effect, usurp your water rights making your land useless.
States need to nullify EPA regulations to protect its citizens from federal overreach.
Trade Treaties
NAFTA resulted in the off-shoring of millions of US jobs. WTO resulted in the heads of 20 governments to nullify US citizen rights, TPP will nullify US courts and open our borders to unlimited immigration.  Our trade agreements continually leave the US importing more than it exports, thereby killing US jobs.   
Controlled Economy
Prosperity would return to the US if the “free market” economy was allowed to take over the entire US economy. Managed economies always create corruption, poverty and shortages.
Government’s Footprint
Government must get out of the energy, housing, education, labor, welfare, foreign aid, grants to states, agriculture, national parks, healthcare, lending, insurance and banking businesses.  That means they need to sell Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae. They need to close Energy, HUD, Education, Labor, Welfare, Foreign Aid, Grants to States, Agriculture, National Parks, Healthcare, Lending, Insurance and Banking along with all other unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs.
Government Debt
The national debt is approaching $20 trillion. The federal government must begin paying down this debt, otherwise we will end like Greece.
Government unfunded liabilities need to be reduced to eliminate fraud and waste.
Corrupt Campaign Finance Laws
Campaign contributions by corporations and special interest groups should not be allowed. The can exercise their freedom of speech on their own websites.  Campaign contributions should be limited to contributions by registered voters and only for those candidates who will appear on their ballot.
Until we make elected officials work for the voters, they will work for whoever gives them the most money.
Corrupt International Relations
We need to quit the UN and send it to Brussels.  They are the enemy.  They are responsible for the global warming hoax and are pushing for a global government and should be punished for that.
Corrupt leaders in all countries need to be expunged from elective office and employment. All forms of foreign aid should be curtailed.
We need to impeach Obama now. We also need to recall all elected officials who score low on the Conservative Review scorecard. 
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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