Thursday, August 13, 2015

The World according to Thumper

Thumper was the outspoken rabbit in the cartoon movie Bambi, Walt Disney released in 1942.  The movie was so popular, everyone saw it and it became an “icon”.  Thumper said: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”   Unfortunately, that quote became the subconscious programming that later became “Political Correctness”.
In 1942, our aunts and uncles would warn us not to talk about religion or politics.  Being polite was quite popular. They had lived through the Great Depression and were mobilized to win World War II.  Blind Patriotism was the watchword of the day and government was supported unconditionally.  There were skeptics who resisted FDR’s trashing of the US Constitution, but these true conservatives’ protests were drowned out during the war. 
The other beneficiaries of the movie Bambi were the animal lovers that later became part of the environmental activist tyranny. They invented the “Wilding Project” designed to restore America to its pre-1620 condition.
Forest fires were another target and “Smokey Bear” appeared on TV sets to remind everyone that “only you can prevent forest fires”, which is inaccurate.  Lightening was the primary cause of forest fires.  But that did result in the total destruction of the logging industry.  And now there are even more forest fires, because nobody is really managing the forests to mitigate forest fires.  And now “Smokey Bear” is likely to visit your back yard, because of the implementation of the “Wilding Project”. 
I do disagree with shooting animals for sport.  I definitely support shooting animals who are about to attack you. I appreciate how the American Indians utilized the entire buffalo and how today’s American hunters utilize their catch.
I also think it’s time to speak up to expose dishonesty, hypocrisy, hoaxes, scams, crime, bribery, graft and corruption wherever we find it.  We can no longer afford to follow Thumper’s advice.  We need to say a lot of things other people will say are not “nice”.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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