Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tribulations Happening ?

Evangelists: Obama 'paving the way' for Antichrist', A future world leader will be able to oppose God's laws' by Cheryl Chumley, 8/14/15, WND
President Obama isn’t the Antichrist – but he sure is “paving the way” for him, said some Christian evangelists who’ve been watching the White House in biblically prophetic light with alarm.
“Although President Obama is certainly not the Antichrist, his policies are paving the way for the Antichrist,” said Pastor Robert James Jeffress, Jr., of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, Christian Today reported. “While I am not suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he was able to propose such a sweeping change in God’s law and still win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world leader will be able to oppose God’s laws without any repercussions.”
Some of the objectionable perceived anti-Christian policies Obama’s pushed include same-sex marriage and homosexual rights, as well as funding for Planned Parenthood and abortion in his signature Obamacare, the newspaper said.
“There is an anti-Christian bias that is now in our government,” said Christian evangelist and missionary Franklin Graham, citing Obama’s views as infecting America’s political and cultural systems, Christian Today reported. “It has permeated our government.”
And Obama’s to blame because he’s imposing a “new morality” on Americans that flies in the face of biblical teachings, Graham said.
“It’s a morality that does not include God or His standards,” he said. “That’s what we’re facing today. It is an Antichrist movement that we’re seeing taking place.”
And one more anti-Christ reference toward Obama, from columnist Jennifer Leclaire, at Charisma News: “[He's] made plenty of Antichrist moves during his presidency. I don’t believe Obama is the Antichrist, but the fact that so many people are utterly convinced is telling … The chatter continues. One thing is clear, believers are paying close attention to the signs of the times, including the rise of the Antichrist.”
Still others point to biblical teachings to remind that the term “antichrist” is used to simply describe those who stand opposed to Jesus Christ and that Scripture does not specifically refer to any Revelation-period “Antichrist” figure.
In other words, some say, the term “antichrist” is simply the word used to describe anyone who denies Christ, or whose works oppose those of Jesus – and in that case, could apply to Obama as well as to a host of other past and present political and cultural figures.
As Carl Gallups, author of the newly released “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” and co-author with Charl Van Wyk of the upcoming “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for the Persecution and Times of Trouble,” told Fox News Radio host Alan Colmes in a past interview: An antichrist spirit can be present in many.
He told Holmes: “I have never claimed to believe that Obama is the antichrist. However, I have said that Obama certainly displays an alarmingly powerful antichrist spirit.”
Gallups, in a written statement to WND, clarified further.
“The bottom line is that many world leaders, down through the years, have displayed undeniable spirit of antichrist qualities,” he said. “No, Obama is probably not the antichrist. But, to many Bible scholars, it certainly appears that he is being used to pave the way for the real deal. If there ever was a time for people to be right with our Creator through a born again relationship with Jesus Christ, it is now.”
The World Factbook gives the population as 7,095,217,980 (July 2013 est.) and the distribution of religions as Christian 31.50% (of which Roman Catholic 16.85%, Protestant 6.15%, Orthodox 3.96%, Anglican 1.26%), Muslim 22.74%, Hindu 13.8%, Buddhist 6.77%, Sikh 0.35%, Jewish 0.22%, Baha'i 0.11%, other religions 10.95%, non-religious 9.66%, atheists 2.01% (2010 est.).[1]

The majority of Americans identify themselves as Christians, while close to a quarter claim no religious affiliation.[2] According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center, 70.6% of the American population identified themselves as Christians, with 46.5% professing attendance at a variety of churches that could be considered Protestant, and 20.8% professing Roman Catholic beliefs.
The US government’s war on Christianity started in the 1960s. The family Bible served as the most read book prior to that. Obama’s recent advancement of Islam may be his reaction to his childhood religion, but his Alinsky attacks on Christianity are right out of the Communist playbook. It started with “tolerance”, and that became intolerance when it came to Christianity. The US is over 70% Christian with 25% attrition. Europe is about the same. As secular governments embraced more socialist policies and become more controlling, Christianity is being replaced by government imposed values.
These values do not bode well with Westerners and these governments are bankrupt.  As we struggle to improve our economies, tolerance for forced communitarianism wanes. This leaves nationalism and free markets as the preferred way forward instead of the slide toward a one world government.
We may be able to break the back of our tyrannical nanny-states when they run out of cash, but we will need to be prepared to seize this opportunity. This is happening, one country at a time. If citizens demand nationalism and free markets, we are likely to succeed. If that happens, we may be able to put away our “end of days” predictions for a while.
There is nothing more elusive or dangerous than trying to forecast the “end of days”. We need to make sure we avoid being trapped in a self-fulfilling prophecy. The “end of days” is God’s business, not ours.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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