Sunday, September 13, 2015

Critical Questions for Candidates

The US economy has been damaged by federal government actions including out-of-control federal spending, bad laws, unnecessary spending, bad trade agreements, excessive immigration, unnecessary regulations, uncompetitive corporate tax rates and excessive subsidies and excessive federal debt.
Corruption in the US federal government is wide-spread due to corrupt campaign finance laws, federal bribes to states and federal lawlessness.  Laws are ignored, suspended and misinterpreted on purpose.  Most of the federal departments, agencies and programs are unconstitutional.  Several Supreme Court opinions need to be corrected by the Congress.  Bad law needs to be repealed.
Reform must begin with federal constitutional compliance and the dismantling of these departments, agencies and programs according to the 10th Amendment.  
$Trillions have been wasted on scams like global warming, foreign aid and unnecessary military intervention and country destabilization in the Middle East.
US sovereignty is threatened by the UN, the TPP and other trade agreements.
Each Presidential candidate needs to answer the following 20 questions:
  1. Is man-made climate change real or a hoax?
  2. Is carbon capture necessary?
  3. Is the TPP a threat to US sovereignty?
  4. Is the UN a threat to US sovereignty?
  5. Should UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US be stopped?
  6. Should the US quit the UN?
  7. Should all immigration be curtailed?
  8. Should the US impose import tariffs?
  9. Should campaign contributions be limited to voters?
  10. Should unconstitutional federal departments be closed?
  11. Should the EPA, HUD and Education be closed?
  12. Should Sharia law be banned in the US?
  13. Should the US government pay down the federal debt?
  14. When can we seal the border?
  15. When can we balance the federal budget and have a surplus?
  16. When can we end federal grants?
  17. When can we end federal subsidies?
  18. When can we end regional unelected governance?
  19. Should healthcare and education be reformed by the free market?
  20. Can we cut the cost of government in half?
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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