Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dump Boehner

Right now Boehner stands accused of "bypassing the majority," causing "the power of Congress to atrophy," punishing members who "vote according to their conscience" and forbidding members time to properly review legislation before votes.
Sound familiar?

We already have someone "fundamentally transforming" Congress.

Opposition leaders of Congress shouldn't serve as Igor to Obama's Dr. Frankenstein in this sick experiment to deform the greatest nation civilization has ever known.
Yet again, the accusations against Boehner are coming from his own party! Rep. Mark Meadows--a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus--is leading the charge, calling for the Speaker of the House to "vacate the chair." This isn't the first coup Boehner's faced, but if we work fast, it will be his last.

We're closer than ever to booting this crybaby out of office.
Boehner told the Golf Channel that he had to turn down Obama's requests to play a round "because everyone gets bent out of shape worried about what we're up to..."

I got news for you, Boehner, you're the one who should be worried because we already know what you're up to. Your record of legislative "achievements" as speaker speaks for itself--and it's nothing to brag about (unless your jockeying for a job in Obama's cabinet):
  • Veterans Jobs Bill - Blocked
  • Wall Street Reform - Blocked
  • Obama Amnesty - Backed
  • Obamacare funded - Backed
  • Deficit increases - Backed
  • Political Ad Disclosure - Blocked twice!
  • Small Business Jobs Act - Blocked twice!
  • Tax on Companies Shipping Jobs Overseas - Blocked
  • Healthcare for 9/11 First Responders - Blocked
  • Benefits for Homeless Veterans - Blocked
  • Anti-Rape Amendment - Blocked
    Maybe that "joke" from a few years back when Boehner told liberal loudmouth Joy Behar, "I am Obama's best friend" wasn't really meant for laughs.

    Boehner's list of losses is long. Just like his excuses for the lack of confidence from colleagues, which he dismisses as "no big deal."

    You know what would be a big deal? Boehner standing up to Obama. Anyone remember the meaningful time that ever happened? Boehner lets Americans down at every turn.

    He also tried to explain away Meadow's move as part of the pitfalls of governing in a "two-party system." These guys never stop trying to dismiss the rise of a real grassroots movement.

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