Friday, September 4, 2015

Healthcare Costs Unsustainable

Hospitals are the #3 killer in America... trouncing car accidents, diabetes, and everything besides cancer and heart disease. 9/3/15, WND
In fact, a new study from the Journal of Patient Safety estimates half a million Americans will die THIS year from hospitals. And odds are, someone you know or love will lose their life to a hospital - if they already haven’t.
But I’ve got good news... before 2015 is over, hospitals will have taken their last life. See, Harvard researchers just uncovered a new breakthrough DNA technology, one with the potential to eradicate ALL 61 kinds of disease. The last time something like this happened, the trillion-dollar hospital industry almost never recovered. And this time around they NEVER will.
That’s because this therapy is natural, so the drug companies can’t get their hands on it. As a result it costs less than a $1 a day for treatment... and you can even administer it from home - without ever checking in to a hospital.
It’s the hospital industry’s worst nightmare! That’s why they’re doing everything in their power to put a lid on this story…Why they’re pulling the strings on their media contacts to keep it quiet…And why you haven’t heard about this, until now.
Source: WND

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