Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hillary Above the Law

Obama Executive Order 13526 Makes Hillary Guilty, Hillary really needs to go to jail. 9/2/15

Mrs. Clinton — apparently, obviously clear here — is gonna get away with violating all kinds of national security. The latest thing that she’s guilty of here — and it’s a felony. Andy McCarthy wrote about this today at National Review Online. (shuffling papers) Let me find it here. What it is, Obama issues an executive order, number 13526.
“In the first year of his administration (December 29, 2009, to be exact), President Obama issued Executive Order 13526, entitled ‘Classified National Security Information.’ It explains that information is deemed classified if its disclosure would cause ‘damage to the national security.’ Beyond that, whether the classified information is categorized as ‘top secret,’ ‘secret,’ or ‘confidential’ depends on how serious the damage would be.
“With that as background, the order makes clear that there is one category of information that is automatically deemed classified: information from foreign governments. Section 1.1(d) of the executive order decrees: ‘The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security.'” I’m sorry; guilty! There is no way Mrs. Clinton can say that this did not happen with these e-mails that she has or has not released.
We can document it. There have been e-mails about foreign governments, disclosure of foreign government information. Hell, she’s out soliciting donations from them, for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, for crying out loud, and her future presidency. She’s in violation of executive order. The executive order governs the executive branch. I know you’re probably saying, “Wait a minute, Rush! Are you validating an Obama executive order?”
Yeah, because this is about behavior in his administration, all of the employees there, and what they can and can’t do regarding classified data. She’s clearly in violation of this, if nothing else. His own executive order. I mean, it’s been clear from the beginning here, and you’ve got this 6,000 e-mail release that the Clintons deign to preserve, 125 of those reportedly contain classified information. That’s information we have learned today.

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