Monday, September 7, 2015

Illegals in Georgia

What’s next for illegals in ‘Georgiafornia’ by D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, April 19, 2015
For readers who may have been confused by an editing error last Sunday, the conclusion of the education offered in this space then was essentially that from the Cobb County delegation to the state senate, only Senator Hunter Hill supported a recorded vote on an amendment aimed at ending the current practice of rewarding illegal aliens with Georgia driver’s licenses. The updated version of that column is available on the MDJ website.
A respectful reminder: While there was an effort in the state Senate, no member of the Republican-controlled Georgia House introduced any bill to halt the driver’s licenses reward for illegals in “conservative” Georgia.
That illegal alien reward system here in Georgia, pushed by President Barack Obama, the ACLU, corporate-funded, anti-borders groups, the agriculture lobby and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce on many weak but willing politicians, was described as “California-like.”
Whether my loyal Republican friends want to admit it or not, on capitulating to the crime of illegal immigration and selling out American workers, we are clearly on the road to becoming the California of the east — “Georgiafornia.”
While it will be kept as quiet as possible on “the news,” here is a partial list of what to expect in the not-too-distant future of Republican Georgiafornia:
♦ In-state tuition for illegals in public universities — and we mean all illegals, deferred action on deportation or not — thereby allowing these “victims of borders” to attend University System of Georgia schools at less tuition cost than legal immigrants and less cost than Americans who live in other states. This is already happening all over Obama’s America.
There is already a bill pending in the Georgia Senate aimed at giving in-state tuition to deferred-action illegals in public schools. And it, unlike the original Senate bill to halt driver’s licenses for illegals, has actually had a (Republican-chaired) committee hearing under the Gold Dome.
♦ HOPE Scholarships for illegal aliens. Management at Emory University, a private school and not part of the University System of Georgia, recently demonstrated its enlightenment with an announcement of a scholarship program that puts Americans behind illegal aliens with jackpot DACA (deferred-action) status. It is only a matter of time before the Chamber of Commerce orders the Republicans to slip a bill through the Legislature ordering taxpayer-funded public schools to match the moral superiority of the private colleges. It will “make good business sense.” Maybe it would see a recorded vote in the state Senate — or maybe not.
♦ Expanding taxpayer-funded health care for illegal aliens to include Medicaid. All illegals already get no-cost “emergency” care in any U.S. hospital. But a recent proposal in California would offer enrollment in Medi-Cal to illegal aliens. Medi-Cal is that trend-setting state’s health care program for the poor.
♦ Luring more illegals. Like GOP Georgia, Democrat-majority California — the illegal immigration capital of the world — is encouraging even more illegal alien, future Democrat voters to migrate there. We think it must be because they have such a bountiful supply of water and a surplus in their state budget.
♦ Legally present non-citizens — and then illegal aliens — voting in state and local elections. The push for this has been on for years and is now at a tipping point in New York and other oh-so-advanced states. Just behind the grand prize and ultimate objective of officially open borders, this is the trophy that makes the illegal alien lobby swoon.
♦ Illegal alien police officers. Yep, that is happening right now in these United States. Obama’s deferred deportation illegals are being hired in Chicago as law enforcement officers. Remember, “fundamental transformation” is what we were promised.
♦ llegal alien teachers. Another transformation already happening right now in Colorado.
The stated reason for hiring illegal alien teachers is the need for foreign language-speaking teachers to deal with the exploding number of non-English speaking students. Most of who came here illegally.
Colorado officials say the illegal alien teachers offer outlooks and knowledge “similar to the experiences of many of our students.”
♦ Illegal alien lawyers. Illegal aliens can and do already apply for and receive professional licenses in the Peach State. Coming soon to anything-for-a-buck Georgia, just like in today’s California, you will eventually see illegal aliens practicing law.
When put in place, these are laws that would be enforced.
It is easy to imagine loyal GOP readers shaking their heads in denial and murmuring “this cannot happen here.”
Really? Think back 10 years and try to imagine a majority Republican state government allowing illegal aliens to embed here with the de facto national ID — a driver’s license.
That illegal alien reward system here in Georgia, pushed by President Barack Obama, the ACLU, corporate-funded, anti-borders groups, the agriculture lobby and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce on many weak but willing politicians, was described as “California-like.”
Whether my loyal Republican friends want to admit it or not, on capitulating to the crime of illegal immigration and selling out American workers, we are clearly on the road to becoming the California of the east — “Georgiafornia.”
D.A. King of Marietta heads The Dustin Inman Society.

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