Thursday, September 17, 2015

Incompetent Media Unhelpful Debates

The media is doing a miserable job handling the GOP Presidential Candidate shows and have proven that they can’t be trusted with this responsibility. 
The Fox gotcha question “debate” was totally void of any useful information.  It’s as if the networks are treating these “debates” like a “hunger games reality show”. It brings out the worst in most candidates. 
The CNN “debate was called a food fight and school-yard tattle tailing, It was a “he said, she said” attack on Trump.  CNN played “let’s you and him fight”.
Most candidates are already hampered by their own campaign managers, who want them to just repeat their “talking points”.  This shackles the candidates to parroting information nobody is interested in.
Candidates need to address what our bankrupt, zombie federal government needs to change to unleash jobs.  That would be to curtail immigration, close the border, end Obamacare, remove illegitimate regulations, reform the corporate tax code and ensure low electricity rates.  It also requires cutting federal spending by $1 trillion to freeze the debt and begin to repay it.
Voters also need to know candidates’ support or opposition to Common Core, HUD and EPA regulations, UN demands for US money, UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US, Regionalism and global warming.
Candidates need to eliminate themselves based on these issues.  If these vapid “debates” continue to try to deep-six candidates based on gotcha questions rather than their position on issues, voters would be better off doing their own internet research on candidates as opposed to watching these “debates”.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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