Saturday, September 5, 2015

Invention Requires Freedom

Those who seek to make patentable improvements need the rule of law to protect their freedom and their intellectual property rights.  Large monopolies will use legal means to steal these patents and either use them or bury them.  Disney offered contracts to creative geniuses and then didn’t use them. They paid them to “sit on the beach”.  They did this to reduce competition.  Large corporations will search patents and revise designs just enough to get their own patents.  The legal costs of fighting this are unsustainable for the original inventors.  All of these companies have purchased access to government agencies to ensure favoritism.  Monsanto and Big Pharma employees dominate the FDA.  Union employees dominate the Labor Department.  
Free Market Needed
What killed the invention era of 1850 to 1900 ?  Lots of things.  First was the income tax and estate tax that striped inventors and industry founders of their resources and ensured that their contributions would not last past one generation.  This allowed corporate “campaign contributors” to take over the founders inventions and their industries.  Banks joined in to ensure a constant revenue stream.  They knew that well-managed privately owned businesses would not need their loans, because they retained earnings and used these funds for working capital.  Politically connected corporations wanted to legally steal all the ideas and pushed for the federal government to leave the US Constitution in the dust.
The result was an abrupt end to further free market innovation.  Prior to this treason, inventors were thriving and competing.  What we got instead was corporate and government lawyers and bureaucrats scheming and conniving.  
Industrial Revolution
The scientific work performed by talented scientists, inventors and engineers begun in the middle ages culminated in the 1800s.  These folks created the scientific method and study groups to vet their work. They published their findings and gathered into groups based on their investigation topics.  Some groups of chemists worked on medicines and geological materials; others worked on isolating chemicals into the periodic table.  The goal was to prove their theories with repeatable experimental results.  These groups included scientists from many different countries, but their loyalties were to each other.  By the 1800s they had invented the steam engine to remove water from coal mines and power factories and trains. They were working to develop electricity to power light bulbs and equipment. 
After 1913, individual initiative was punished.  Freedom was methodically destroyed.  Property was stolen and the rule of law was dead.  Original patents were no longer honored as they had been. 
The global warming hoax has proven how corrupt our current scientific community has become.  Scientists need to return to the model they developed and used successfully before 1913. 
Most Americans believe that large corporations control all the patents and bury them, because they want to maintain the status quo. 
Most Americans believe that Big Pharma prevents cancer cures from being released, because cancer treatment revenue is higher than producing cures would pay.
Balance Needed
There are economies of scale that should be considered when we look at monopolies, but we need to remove the corruption. These monopolies include utilities and government based on geography and product monopolies like Microsoft, where ease of use has actually declined.
Political solutions can include ending the IRS and the income tax and estate tax, making the US federal government compliant with the US Constitution (as written) and reforming campaign finance to allow only registered voters to make contributions to those candidates who would appear on their ballot.  It would further require that government reassumes its primary objective of ensuring life, liberty and property rights and end its own corruption.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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