Friday, September 18, 2015

Iran Deal Surrender

Republican "leaders" have, once again, raised the white flag of surrender Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-TN) said today that Obama's dirty nuke deal "can, and likely will, be revisited by the next Commander-in-Chief." The truth is that the GOP surrendered on the Iran agreement months ago.
As I'm sure you know by now, the Senate failed for a third time today to invoke "cloture" on the Obama-Iran deal vote. That means the Senate will never actually vote on the "Corker Catastrophe" that was designed to ensure that the people's representatives in Congress had a voice in the President's dirty deal with the terrorist regime.
Instead, Obama will proceed with his illegal Iran deal WITHOUT ANY CONGRESSIONAL MAJORITY VOTING IN FAVOR OF THE TREATY. America's "Divider-in-Chief" has NO bi-partisan support on any vote related to his dirty deal with Iran. So when did we lose the debate on the Iran agreement?
May 15. That's when Congress passed the "Corker Catastrophe," which ceded power over the Iran deal to a minority of Senate Democrats. Shortly after the Senate voted on and approved Sen. Bob Corker's (R-TN) S. 615
legislation this past spring, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said the bill "is unlikely to stop a bad Iran deal." He insisted that it "contains a provision inserted at the insistence of Senate Democrats, which will allow Congress to appear to vote against the deal while tacitly allowing it to go into effect."
It's a strategy that has become the hallmark of the Boehner-McConnell leadership and is now being called, "Surrender, then play-fight."
First, GOP leaders surrender their Constitutional duties and
hard-fought political authority to the President due to fear of the liberal media and losing the next election. Then, GOP leaders create lots of "smoke" surrounding the votes. They complain that Obama and Democrats are out of step with the American people and that we need to elect more Republicans. That's play-fighting. Surrender. Then play-fight.
Thankfully, the House didn't vote on the "Corker Catastrophe" due to a revolt by several conservative House members who forced Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) hand. As a result, the House GOP took the approach that Obama had broken the Corker law by not disclosing the full
agreement to Congress. Therefore, the House had no reason to vote on whether to reject the Iran deal as outlined by S. 615.
That's because the Obama-Iran deal has secret, hidden provisions -- something that was explicitly banned by the Corker bill. Not only did the President manipulate McConnell and Boehner into passing the "Corker Catastrophe" in almost unanimous fashion, he didn't even bother abide by its provisions!
Maybe Trump is right. "Stupid people" are running things. Or worse. Of course, it would have been better if the House and Senate had rejected the "Corker Catastrophe" last May instead yielding power to Obama.
McConnell chose a much more direct path to defeat than Speaker Boehner. McConnell simply surrendered on the "Corker Catastrophe" and allowed three cloture votes on Obama-Iran.
At the least, McConnell should have stood with the House GOP, refused the cloture votes, declared that Obama had broken the law and threatened immediate legal and legislative action if Obama chose to implement his unlawful deal with Iran. Or McConnell could have invoked the so-called "nuclear option" employed by former Senate leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and required only a simple majority to move S. 615 to the floor for a full vote.
Instead, McConnell made lots of "smoke" surrounding the votes and thinks he now has a 2016 election year issue with which to pad his Senate majority and retain power.
So once again, Congressional GOP leaders have vacated their Constitutional and positional authority in surrendering to Obama's radical and reckless agenda. That leaves McConnell and Boehner with only one thing to do.
Wave the white flag of surrender. Literally.They need to have the self-respect to hold a press conference and wave tiny white flags of surrender for all to see. It would look something like this... white flag
It just so happens that Grassfire is ready to deliver a few thousand white flags of surrender to the Capitol Hill offices of GOP "leaders."
Both McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) have a detestable history of surrendering to America's "Radical-in-Chief." The two GOP "leaders" have done little to stop the President from advancing his stated goal of radically transforming our great nation. In addition to raising a figurative "white flag" on defunding Planned Parenthood,
McConnell and Boehner have surrendered to the Mr. Obama on his illegal amnesty, America's debt ceiling, ObamaCare and now the President's dirty nuke deal!
The Majority Leader and House Speaker have caved to America's "Radical-in-Chief" so often and so completely that grassroots conservatives are sure it will happen again.
Grassfire thinks it's time to empower our team members to make a bold statement on Capitol Hill. We've made it possible for you to send actual 12"x18" white flags to McConnell and Boehner. That way, they'll have them handy the next time they want to surrender to the Obama agenda.
Go here to send a "White Flag Of Surrender" to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and another to House Speaker John Boehner

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