Thursday, September 24, 2015

Israel and Russia to Coordinate in Syria

by Sean Gibbons, 9/24/15
Since the United States has given up its role as superpower, democracy and peace have not exactly spread throughout the world - contrary to the Obama thesis of America being the cause of all the world’s troubles.
In America’s absence in the Middle East, war has erupted in the vacuum of power caused by America's rapid departure from the region. Specifically in Syria, 250,000 people have died in civil war; Isis now controls a large portion of the country.
Fearing the ramifications of Syria becoming a fully Islamic radical state, Israel has set up a joint mechanism with the Russian military to coordinate their operations, a senior Israel military official said Thursday.
The agreement comes as a result of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting this week in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin.
 “My goal was to prevent misunderstandings between IDF forces and Russian forces. We have established a mechanism to prevent such misunderstandings. This is very important for Israel’s security,” Netanyahu told Israeli reporters
 Putin’s preferred course of action is for America and its allies to agree to coordinate their campaign against the terrorist group with Russia, Iran and the Syrian army, which the Obama administration has so far resisted. Despite such western resistance, Putin has steadily increased his presence in Syria.
As Israel breaks ranks with America, agreeing to work with Russia, we are seeing just how bad the relationship between America and Israel has become. Like an ex-girlfriend moving on with someone else, America will now watch Israel become closer and closer Russia.

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