Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Muslim Invasion of Europe

Muslim ‘Refugee’ Invasion of Europe
By Pam Geller, 9/7/15, Barbwire
In 732, the Battle of Tours ended the “last of the great Islamic invasions of Europe.” How this new invasion will end is anyone’s guess – but it won’t be pretty. Today’s refugee is tomorrow’s jihadist: Already jihadis have been discovered among the refugees, and there will be more of that.
In February, the Islamic State threatened to send half-a-million Muslim migrants to Europe in a “psychological” attack against the West. And lest we forget, back in May, I reported that the Islamic State was making a fortune smuggling Muslim “migrants” into Europe.
Immigration jihad, or hijrah, is the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622 CE. It was after the hijrah that Muhammad for the first time became not just a preacher of religious ideas, but a political and military leader. That was what occasioned his new “revelations” exhorting his followers to commit violence against unbelievers. Significantly, the Islamic calendar counts the hijrah, not Muhammad’s birth or the occasion of his first “revelation,” as the beginning of Islam, implying that Islam is not fully itself without a political and military component.
The EU is telling its members that they must take in these migrants or lose important grants. Yet meanwhile, the oil-rich Muslim countries, chiefly Saudi Arabia, are doing nothing for the refugees. Muslim countries are not taking a single refugee. No, non-Muslim Europe must absorb them all, so as to be all the more easily conquered and Islamized.
The fact is, the mass Muslim migration is symptomatic – it’s not the problem. ISIS is the problem. Iran fueling and fighting Assad’s civil war is the problem. All of this chaos has resulted from Obama’s disastrous and incoherent foreign policy.
Yet the media’s callous and cynical spin is that those who voice legitimate concerns and oppose the refugee influx into Europe are just like the Nazis. That hyperventilation was in the Washington Post. The U.K.’s Daily Mail was even worse, likening the trains carrying refugees to settlement camps to the Nazi trains that carried Jews to their deaths: “You did not need to be a historian to sense the chilling echo of Europe’s not-too-distant past. The last time people were duped on to trains around here, they ended up in Auschwitz.”
The crisis is crushing – the scale of which is one not seen in Europe since the end of World War II. Obama’s “junior varsity” team has overturned the order of the world. And it’s only just begun.


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