THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell, published 1974 (Harper &
Row: $20.00) illustrates with chilling clarity the final objective of regional
governance conspirators. The goal is a corporate state concentrating economic, political
and social powers in the hands of a ruling elite. "A Constitution for the
Newstates of America", is the fortieth version of this revolutionary document
prepared by a team of social experimenters at the CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF
DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS, Fund for the Republic (Ford Foundation), Post Office
Box 4068, Santa Barbara, California 93103.
The Center, its first objective accomplished, has appointed socialist-oriented University of Denver Chancellor Maurice
B. Mitchell as its new head and may merge with the Aspen Institute for
Humanistic Studies, a Colorado-based world government policy promotion agency.
Aspen Institute Chairman is Robert O. Anderson, chief
executive officer, Atlantic Richfield Company; member, Committee for Economic
Development (laid ground work for regional government), and advisory board
member, Institute for International Education. Anderson is the principal
figure in campaign aimed at seizing control of the National Rifle Association.
The Constitutional Convention Technique
Constitutional Convention is the procedure of choice for
removing the annoyance of the United States Constitution and erecting in its
stead the Newstates Constitution as the 'Law of the Land'. The Bicentennial Celebration
provided the first test for this plan for merging the United States with the
"New World Order".
On 14 January, 1975 the United States Congress set the
Constitutional Convention plot in motion with House Concurrent Resolution No.
28, introduced by Mr. Pettis, Republican legislator from California:
WHEREAS, two-thirds of the several States have, during the
past twenty years, applied to Congress under Article V of the Constitution of
the United States for a convention for proposing amendments to such
Constitution: NOW
(The Senate Concurring), that a convention shall be convened
for the purpose of proposing amendment to the Constitution of the United
SECTION 2. The Convention shall be held in Philadelphia,
SECTION 3. Each State shall be entitled to send delegates.
SECTION 4. Proceedings of the convention shall be conducted in
accordance with such rules as the convention may adopt.
SECTION 5. Not later than July 4, 1976, or not later than
the date which is three months after the date on which the convention is
convened, whichever is the later, the convention shall transmit to the Congress
(Amendments) for ratification for submission to the States.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE (Nelson Rockefeller) and the
speaker of the House of Representatives (Carl Alberts) shall make all necessary
arrangements for the convening of the convention.
Skillful manipulation of public emotion to justify and authenticate
the Constitutional Convention quickly followed.
On 28 September 1975 the World Affairs Council of
Philadelphia announced a five part Bicentennial Program centering on a
'declaration of interdependence'. A first step in a thirteen-year program, said
the Council, is the need to deal with the reality of global interdependence.
Also featured: A convocation of the World Court of the
United Nations in Philadelphia; An 'interdependence curriculum' for schools;
Congressional ceremonies and adoption of a Declaration of Interdependence, and 'interdependence assemblies' by organizations having a broad
input into the determination of America's global relationships.
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, a newspaper controlled by the
Council on Foreign Relations, announced on 14 March 1976 plans for a
"national critical appraisal of the American Constitution".
Congressmen, professors, judges, historians and sociologists attended the
conference, 5-8 April, to examine the origins of the Constitution, its
influence on American life and its adequacy to meet the needs of modern
American Society.
The clear mission was to publicly demean the United States
Constitution by a panel of 'experts' thus creating a propaganda climate
favoring adoption of the Newstates Constitution.
Orchestrated by Nelson Rockefeller and sponsored by the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, the conference included
twenty university professors, a dozen lawyers and judges, senators, congressmen
and business executives. Among those
attending were William T. Coleman, Secretary of Transportation; Hedley Donovan,
Editor-in-Chief, Time, Inc., and leaders of such organizations as the League of
Women Voters, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the United Auto
Workers, the National Urban League, the National Council of Churches and Common
Also represented were the Center for the Study of Federalism
at Temple University; the Center of International Studies at Princeton
University; the Center for Social and Policy Studies at Swarthmore College; the
Center for the Study of the Presidency; the Aspen Institute for Humanistic
Studies, Colorado; the Institute for Social Research at the University of
Michigan, and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa
Barbara, California.
Visible collusion of the United States Congress with world
government organizations created a public backlash which doomed the grandiose
Fourth of July Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Though several
important intermediate goals were achieved the main thrust was
defeated. Arrogance was the seed of its undoing.
Abandoning plan one the conspirators moved directly to the
respective state legislatures and, operating behind a screen of 'conservative'
organizations, introduced resolutions memorializing Congress to call a
Constitutional Convention.
Well-meaning but ill-informed patriotic groups, exploited by
socialist change artists using various emotion-evoking amendments and factional
issues as bait, are trapped in the Constitutional Convention plot. Some believe
that such a Constitutional Convention can be limited in scope to a particular issue: i.e.; tax relief, right to life, gun
control, or other causes. In actual fact, the options open to a Constitutional
Convention, particularly one dominated by the Rockefeller dynasty and State
delegates chosen on the basis of their regional governance allegiance, are
Voiding the Constitution of the United States and adoption
of the Newstates Constitution, "...to meet the needs of modern American
society", is the real objective of those who promote a Constitutional
Convention – whatever surface purposes are declared.
Review by Dr. Peter David Beter, political economist, author
and lecturer (deceased).
In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America
began, at a tax-exempt foundation with the misleading name, Center for the
Study of Democratic Institutions.
The people who took it upon themselves to write this new constitution
on our behalf were, of course, not elected representatives, or in any other way
our representatives. As a tax-exempt foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes, but
you and I were never asked if we wanted a new constitution written. Indeed,
only a very tiny fraction of the people in the United States even know that it
exists: it has been made known to practically no one except a select category
of influential people whose views and interest generally coincide with those of
the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are still in the dark
about it, and this situation is deliberate. It is therefore truly a "secret"
This model constitution took ten years to write, drawing
upon the efforts of more than 100 people. A preliminary version was published
in 1970 and given exposure in limited circles. But, in 1974, an essentially
final version was quietly published in a book entitled THE EMERGING
CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell (Harper & Row, $20), the man who
directed the formulation of the new constitution. It is the fortieth draft. During most of the
time that their constitution was being written, the Center for Study of
Democratic Institutions was lavishly funded to the tune of $2,500,000 annually.
Certain powerful forces hope to celebrate our nation's
Bicentennial in 1976 by replacing the freedoms guaranteed in our present
Constitution with their own dictatorship - a cleverly disguised dictatorship.
It has been made to superficially resemble the government that we have now, so
that we will not recognize it for what it is - until too late. They are using
every propaganda trick at their command to make us lower our guard. And they
are about to put us all in a condition of economic desperation to persuade us
to accept their cleverly disguised dictatorship.
Our U.S. Constitution, according to the Preamble, is
intended to provide for justice, domestic tranquility, common defense and
general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty not only to ourselves,
but to our posterity These were the goals that shaped our Constitution. And
this is the Constitution that enabled America to become a great nation
of free people.
The Newstates of America Constitution has a Preamble, too -
it mentions not one of the objectives of our present Constitution. Instead of
"justice and domestic tranquility", the new constitution seeks only
"good order" without defining what that means. The very first words
are "So that we may join in common endeavors" - and the body of the
new constitution makes it clear that this means an end to individual endeavors.
Their new constitution is expressly states to be good only for a prescribed
period of 25 years: our posterity is left to fend for itself. No reference is
made in the Preamble to our defense or general welfare. Worst of all: the
matter of liberty – so central to our present Constitution - is totally ignored
in the Preamble of the new one, which seeks only, "an adequate and
self-repairing government". The emphasis throughout their new constitution is on the
government - not on the people. "Adequate" turns out to mean: too
powerful to be challenged. And "self-repairing" means that the laws
and governmental structures can be continually changed and shifted to permit anything our
rulers wish to do.
Before I explore some of the details of their secret new
constitution, let me give you a bird's-eye view: Article I is divided into two
parts defining "Rights" and "Responsibilities." It turns
out that some of our present rights disappear outright, and practically all of the rest
become conditional and fragile, able to be terminated on the whim of the government.
The responsibilities, however, which are obligations of the citizen to the
government, are absolute and unconditional.
Article II defines what are called the
"Newstates". The 50 states we have now become 10 in number. It is no
accident that our federal government for the past several years has managed its
outlying activities through ten federal regions. These 10 new states will be
completely subservient to the federal government and creatures of it.
Articles III through VIII of their new constitution define the
independent branches of government and their powers and duties. Under our
present Constitution, the federal government is divided into three co-equal
- the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. They were
carefully set up according to a system of checks and balances in order to
protect our freedoms from arbitrary government. But under their new
constitution, there would not be three, but six branches, so structured that
our present system of checks and balances are totally destroyed.
The counterparts of our present three branches will be
greatly changed, and would be joined by a Regulatory Branch, to control our
everyday affairs; a Planning Branch, to plan our nation's economy; and, an
Electoral Branch to oversee, monitor, finance, and regulate all elections
throughout the country.
Article XI provides new procedures for constitutional
amendment which are totally different from and more dangerous than those which
now exist.
Finally, Article XII provides for transition from our
present representative and republican form of government to the new, cleverly
disguised dictatorship under their new constitution.
Every word of their new constitution has been chosen
carefully and for a purpose. Its basic nature and provisions are very revealing.
First, consider the matter of individual citizens' right.
One right which is under powerful attack right now, and which disappears in the
new constitution, is THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. Instead, "The bearing of arms
or the possession of lethal weapons shall be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law".
Regardless of what you may think about the ins and outs of the controversial
"Gun Control" issue, you should be aware of the historical fact that
disarming of the populace is always a part of any totalitarian scheme.
Another right which disappears is that of trial by jury.
Instead, as defined in Article VIII on the Judicial Branch, a presiding judge
may decide whether a trial is to be of the investigatory or adversary type. An
investigatory trial is the type used, for example, in the Soviet Union, you are
presumed guilty, and must prove your innocence before a panel of judges. If an adversary
trial there is to be a jury, and how many jurors there shall be. There's no provision to prevent your jury, if any, from
being a jury of one who as easily as not, could be you bitter enemy.
As for how you might wind up in court in the first place,
the section on "Rights" provides that "Searches and seizures
shall be made only on judicial warrant." That sounds reassuring, until you
discover that nowhere is the new constitution are there any criteria given for the issuance
of judicial warrant. In other words, it could be completely arbitrary.
The practice of religion is said to be
"privileged". That is not the same as freedom of religion, legally. A
right is something which cannot be revoked. A privilege, however, is something
you hold only at the pleasure of the government, which can revoke it at will.
Or consider the matter of property rights. Their new
constitution states "No property shall be taken without
compensation". But it does not say "just" compensation. The
omission of that little word "just" - after 40 drafts - cannot be
accidental. It would leave the government to seize your house, give you $1.00,
and say "we gave you compensation".
The preoccupation with declared emergency is prominent with
respect to rights. In Article VI of their new constitution, the reasons and
procedures for declaration of emergency are prescribed. Among other things, it
states that emergency can be declared for no better reason than "if an extra-ordinary
advantage be anticipated". It does not say, advantage to whom, but
obviously it means advantage to the government.
With this in mind, observe that Article I of their
constitution says that freedom of expression, of communication, of movement, of
assembly, and of petition are abridged in declared emergency. Peaceful public
gatherings to discuss public issues may also be interrupted or denied. Writs of
habeas corpus are also suspended in declared emergency, which means you could
be locked up and held indefinitely without the preferring of charges.
With respect to the so-called "Responsibilities"
defined in their new constitution, the potential dangers tend to be a more
subtle: "Each citizen SHALL participate in the processes of democracy,
assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct
in office". Several points even in this one sentence would merit comment,
but simply consider the word "shall". THIS IS A COMMAND. You shall
participate, not that you have the discretion to participate. And if you do not
do so, you would be violating the most basic law of the land, the new
constitution. Compare the constitutions of all communist-led countries.
The Newstates are simply puppets of the federal government.
"If governments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their
constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned, and may be required by
the Senate on the recommendation of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from
the Newstates of America". You have no doubt already heard of various
cases in which certain localities have been forced to forfeit their REVENUE
SHARING funds because of failure to comply with federal "guidelines",
Turning to the six new branches of government under their
new constitution, which in the constitution is simply called "The
Presidency", in Article V. This is entirely appropriate under their
constitution, the President is a "strong man", able to call all the
shots. He is to serve for a single term of 9 years. You may have noticed the
"single term" idea popping up lately, and even the 9-year length has
been suggested by some in print and speech. Their secret new constitution is
where the idea came from.
There are also two Vice-Presidents - one designated for
"General Affairs", first in line of Presidential succession in case
of disability; the other designated for "Internal Affairs", and
second in line. There are detailed provisions for Presidential and Vice
Presidential disability, with appointment playing a key role as in our present 25th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Note especially that Section 5 of Article V
provides that "Candidates for the presidency and the vice-president shall
be natural-born citizens". The key word here is "Candidates".
All a foreign-born person need say is "I am doing nothing to become a
candidate", or, "I said I was not a candidate"; or, "I am
not even a candidate, so therefore I cannot remove myself as a candidate for
the vice-presidency"; or, "I am out to support the President's
programs, how can I remove myself when I am not on it." Under this
section, therefore, a foreign-born person could well become president once he
is nominated by a president in the event there is an office vacancy in one or
both of the vice-presidencies, followed by succession when a president becomes
disabled for any reason.
A provision which exemplifies the power of the president is
"Treaties or agreements with other nations negotiated under the
President's authority shall be in effect unless objected to by a majority of
the Senate within 90 days". Here is a pattern which permeates the new
constitution, wherein all sorts of actions take effect unless objected to by a
majority, instead of resulting from positive approval by a majority. This even
applies in the matter of constitutional amendment, in which amendments
generated by the Judicial Branch take effect unless turned down by a majority
of the people.
Under the Presidency, there is also to be a new official
called the "Intendant", whose powers are potentially those of the
commander of a nationwide Gestapo. The actual wording, of course, sounds
relatively mild to the unwary; the danger lies in what is not said, and the
limits that are not imposed. He is to supervise offices for Intelligence and
Investigation, as well as an Office of Emergency Organization. His role here
reflects a preoccupation with emergency that crops up again and again
throughout the new constitution. The word "emergency" appears 134
times in the new constitution; it does not even appear once in our present
Constitution. Constitutional provisions for declaration of emergency, of
course, have been used time after time in recent years to terminate freedom in
other countries.
The Intendant is also given the authority to charter
tax-exempt foundations or corporations that are "determined by him to be
for useful public purposes". There is no check whatsoever on his authority
to do this. This only reflects the unbridled authority of the President himself
under the new constitution, however. It does not provide for accountability
of an unscrupulous President.
Their constitution gives the President all the tools he
needs to establish unchallenged authority during the transition period from our
present to the new constitution, as described in Article XII. This open
invitation for him to assume any and all powers he deems appropriate speaks for
Furthermore, with respect to the replacement of present
governmental functions by those defined by their constitution, "The
President shall determine when replacement is complete". Since only the
President is given this power, there is really nothing to prevent him from
freezing the process partway through, for example, after abolishing our present
Congress and before appointing the new one. It is very possible that these two
very short passages are the real crux of their secret new constitution.
But just to round out the President's guarantees of invulnerability, the
framers of their new constitution also contains a remarkable license to lie. In
Article IX. Of the three exceptions noted therein, "treason" is of no
force and effect, since it is nowhere defined in their new
Given the power of the President under their new
constitution, the rest would really have only whatever status their President
allowed it to have. However, the Legislative Branch would consist of a Senate
and House of Representatives, but there the similarities end. Senators
would no longer be elected at all; instead they would be hand-picked appointees
of the President, plus former Presidents and Vice Presidents, and would serve
for life. The House of Representatives would have 400 members,
but there would only be 100 congressional districts. Each district would elect
3 representatives, who would serve for 3-year terms. These would be expected to compete with one another instead of speaking with one
voice, so this device would effectively undermine local representation at the
national level. There would also be 100 representatives elected "at
large", from the nation as a whole instead of individual district. The
"at-large" members would form the backbone of what little is left to
the House: they would serve for 9-year terms, and would be the ones eligible to
become committee chairmen.
The Judicial Branch would be presided over by a Principal
Justice, chosen by the President's hand-picked or rubber-stamp Senate. He would
be a judicial "czar", controlling the entire judicial system of the
nation with the aid of a Judicial Council and Judiciary Assembly. The Judicial
Council would be the originator of all constitutional amendments, and would
have the duty to consider amending their constitution to legalize
unconstitutional steps taken by the government from time to time.
The new Regulatory Branch is foreshadowed by many current
developments. But, the most notable feature of this Branch, aside from its grip
on the nation's enterprises generally, is the blessing given to cartel
arrangements called "Authorities". It states "Member enterprises
of an Authority shall be exempt from other regulation", it says
"Nonmembers shall be required to maintain the same standards as those
prescribed for members". The "Standards" prescribed would be
those agreed upon by the cartel members, and nonmembers would not be allowed
even to exceed those standards if they wanted to for competitive reasons.
The Planning Branch is foreshadowed by the increasing clamor
for "economic planning" by the present Domestic Council of the White
House, by the national land-use planning legislation, and so forth. It would
consist of a 15-member board appointed by the President. They would
prepare 6 and 12-year plans and budgets to reflect the desires of the
President, who would submit the budgets to the House of Representatives for
their rubber-stamp approval each year.
Finally, the electoral Branch is also on its way piecemeal,
through public financing of election campaigns, quota systems, and now the
newly operational Federal Election Commission, whose regulations do not apply
to the present vice presidency office.
Under their new constitution, there is to be an electoral
"Overseer" in charge of the Electoral Branch, chosen by the
President's hand-picked Senate, and he is to "supervise the organization
of national and district parties, arrange for discussion among them, and
provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office". All
electoral processes are
to be paid for out of tax money, and no party can run
candidates if it is not "recognized" by the Overseer. There are quota
systems for apportionment of public funds that clearly would help drive out
small parties and tend ultimately toward a one-party system. Furthermore, the
Overseer is to monitor, supervise, and regulate the election process
completely. All the power necessary to convert elections into a meaningless
exercise is provided the Electoral Branch under their secret new constitution.
To sum up: I can only observe that their secret new
constitution is not new at all. It is actually a prescription for the oldest
kind of government of all: one-man rule. It is the slippage backward into the
bad old ways of the past that we have seen increasingly during our lifetime,
brought about by increasingly ignoring our own Constitution, which is still
the newest idea in government.
Source: New States Constitution
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
“It’s part of history. If you don’t talk about it, then you are leaving out the ‘why,’” Hanvey said. “Children need to know the ‘why,’ and they need to be able to learn and know where to find the facts, instead of going by what they hear or what they see on the Internet.”
ReplyDeleteWhere to find facts?
As a American child and adult, not once have I been shown real, factual, tangible, credible evidence that a God, aka supernatural being actually exists or once existed.
This is a fact.