Saturday, September 5, 2015

Trump wins 52% in Nashville Poll

Donald Trump won the NFRA straw poll easily with 52% of the vote. Cruz came in 2nd with 24% and Carson came in 3rd.  (It should be noted all candidates were invited and either declined or backed out before the Convention.)  And after a few recounts led by tireless organizer Sharon Ford, the NFRA delegates endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for the 2016 presidential elections.
Energetic political figures and activists, including presidential candidate Donald Trump, spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at the 2015 NFRA Convention in Nashville August 29th. The National Federation of Republican Assemblies is a grassroots movement of Republicans that seeks to “restore the conservative principles of the Goldwater/Reagan Republicans back to smaller government, lower taxation, a strong defense, free market capitalism and a reverence for that most fundamental of all ‘unalienable’ rights, Life; all life.”

Trevor Loudon never fails to energize and inspire and he encouraged the audience to seek out those Candidates who are true Constitutionalist’s, and to choose the one who will most fire up their base. He warned if the Republicans lose the next election the Democrat Party will resolve the Southern border and import millions more from the Middle East and “swamp us forever.” He stated the Democrat Party does not intend to give up their power ever again: “They are controlled by the unions and the unions are controlled by the Communists.” He says the 2016 election is our last chance to take America back.

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