Thursday, September 10, 2015

Trump’s Iran Deal Protest

Thousands Protest Against Iran Deal In DC With Trump and Cruz, Posted on Thursday the 10th of September 2015, by Alice Greene : Guest Writer

Citizens, lawmakers, and politicians rallied together this Wednesday in an effort to persuade lawmakers to disapprove Obama's controversial nuclear deal with Iran. The rally, hosted by Tea Party Patriots, drew thousands of citizens to the Capitol’s West Lawn. 

Attendees included Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Jim Gilmore, radio host Mark Levin, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, and several Republican lawmakers. Congress has until September 17th to make a final decision, but as it stands there aren’t enough votes to override a presidential veto. 

"This Iranian nuclear deal is catastrophic. It is the single greatest national security threat facing America.” – Ted Cruz  "Never ever, ever in my life have I seen any transaction so incompetently negotiated as our deal with Iran, and I mean never.” – Donald Trump  “Let us never partner with evil by funding the destruction of our allies!” - Phil Robertson

In a radio interview hosted a few days before the rally, host Matthew Boyle asked Tea Party Patriots’ Jenny Beth Martin if the deal would stop Iran from “developing an intercontinental ballistic missile or from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

“There’s no guarantee it will do that at all,” she replied. “I think that this deal…virtually guarantees that Iran will wind up with a nuclear weapon, rather than preventing it.” Martin told listeners that the nuclear deal is worse than no deal and worries what the terrorist nation might accomplish with the billions it stand to receive.

She begged listeners to ask Democratic lawmakers to “put America’s interests first,” and to support those who have gone against their party in saying no to the deal. “We need to stand united for what is in the best interest of America, the best interest of Israel, and frankly, the best interest of the world.” 

Unfortunately the current opinion in the Senate isn’t enough to override a presidential veto, but there are options. Rick Santorum announced that since “President Obama has violated the terms of the Corker-Cardin agreement,” the deal should be voted on as a treaty. “It is time for the Republican Senate to use their constitutional authority, stand up as an equal branch of the government, and vote down this threat to global security,” he stated.   

Republican lawmakers celebrated on Friday when one more Democrat joined them in opposing the deal. The agreement “legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program,” said Jewish Senator Ben Cardin of the Foreign Relations Committee. “After 10 to 15 years, it would leave Iran with the option to produce enough enriched fuel for a nuclear weapon in a short time."

Cardin’s decision was a critical one and came minutes after fellow Democratic Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado stated his approval for the deal. Supporters of the deal are just 3 votes short of the 41 they would need in order to filibuster the resolution and prevent it from passing. 

As it stands, only 5 senators have yet to announce their decision on the matter. In the House, 110 Democrats support the deal and 15 oppose. Congress has until September 17th to vote on a resolution of disapproval or approval of the nuclear deal.

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