Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dismantling Obamacare

URGENT OBAMACARE UPDATE Steve Elliott, Grassfire, 10/14/15
House Republicans just launched the best effort yet to REPEAL OBAMACARE. A few days ago, House Republicans took their strongest steps yet to REPEAL ObamaCare, and key votes are now imminent. This development is the best opportunity to repeal ObamaCare since the law was passed in 2010.
Here's the background: As you may recall, in 2010 Obama had absolutely NO bi-partisan support for ObamaCare, and this left him one vote short in the Senate. So Obama, Reid and Pelosi instead pushed through one of the largest and most complicated social welfare programs in American history as part of what is called the "budget reconciliation" process. ("Reconciliation" does not require the 60-vote "cloture" threshold and therefore can be passed with just 51 votes in the Senate.)
This was a total farce. NEVER BEFORE had a major social welfare program been passed without significant bi-partisan support (not one Republican in the House or Senate voted for ObamaCare). NEVER BEFORE had "reconciliation" been used to push through such sweeping legislation. NEVER BEFORE had a President blatantly lied about the nature of a bill ("It's not a tax") only to reverse course later to get Supreme Court approval.
ObamaCare was and is a travesty that is proving to be a huge boat-anchor-like drag on our economy and a threat to our liberties.
Here's the good news:....House Republicans are FINALLY going to move to REPEAL huge sections of ObamaCare, using the same "reconciliation" process Obama used to get ObamaCare passed.
This means in a matter of weeks, both the House and the Senate will take up a reconciliation package that REPEALS these key elements of ObamaCare (quoting Rep. Paul Ryan's House Ways And Means Committee):
REPEAL the Individual Mandate, the Employer Mandate,
the Medical Device Tax [$30 billion], the "Cadillac Tax" [$87 billion] and the Independent Payment Advisory Board [i.e., the "death panels"]
Ryan's committee says this REPEAL package "would be a devastating blow to ObamaCare." Without the mandates and the stand-alone taxes, ObamaCare will be powerless.
But the fight is far from over. Both the House and the Senate must first approve the reconciliation package. Our sources tell us the battle in the Senate will be especially close -- decided by one or two votes.
This is the best opportunity yet to repeal ObamaCare because this is the FIRST TIME Congressional Republicans are using the "reconciliation" process to defeat Obama's linchpin legislation.
Email your Senators and Congressman to endorse this plan.
This reconciliation process should eliminate the 30 hour a week work limit and the fines to individuals.  All that might be left is the government paid part of the premium to subsidize the 3% of the population who enrolled.  It would become a bad substitute for Medicaid with high premiums, high deductibles and unnecessary, unwanted coverage.  It should remove the penalty businesses would have paid for hiring full-time employees. Employers and individuals should be able to get cheaper and better coverage for catastrophic coverage.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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