Friday, October 2, 2015

GA University System Corruption

Georgia Professors Have Tenure Revoked–Press Release Written by Esq. Stephen Humphreys. By Stephanie Moodie - 9/29/15
Dezso Benedek is the UGA professor who publicly criticized UGA President Adams, and whom President Adams and the Attorney General tried to frame with knowingly false charges–as confirmed by the UGA hearing committee that rejected the bid brought by Adams to revoke Benedek’s tenure. We have all the documentation from UGA’s own records to prove the fabrication of knowingly false charges and knowingly false evidence, which the defendants tried to conceal at the time, and which Attorney General Olens denies to this day, though the documents that prove our case are sitting on his desk (and Governor Deal refuses to appoint an independent investigator of wrongdoing in the AG office). We have tried to amend the complaint to add Olens as a party, and Judge Edlein has barred that through ex parte orders, with no briefing of the issues by either side, that ignore the governing statutory authority–according to the Georgia Court of Appeals. What a surprise to find out Judge Edlein has personal, political, and financial connections to Olens. If we can flesh those out even further, that will be quite a scandal.
Anthony Tricoli is the former Georgia Perimeter College president who was ousted for a supposed $25 million deficit only a month after official budget reports to him stated a $3.6 million surplus at GPC. Emails back and forth between GPC and University System of Georgia budget officials show that they knew the budget reports to Tricoli were false–making them a felony criminal violation of OCGA 16-10-20. After the admitted falsifications, up to $18.3 million of the $25 million deficit remains missing and unaccounted for to this day. We do know, however, that Tricoli ordered the elimination of a million dollar contract for Skybridge Consultants–that had been hidden from him in the budget since 2006–in February of 2012. Tricoli was bushwhacked with a $25 million deficit that appeared from nowhere (contradicting the previous month’s budget report), in April of 2012, and forced out of office without any investigation, only two months after he axed Skybridge from the GPC budget. Skybridge had been hired before Tricoli became president of GPC by two of the defendants, Watts and Carruth, who knowingly misrepresented the budget to Tricoli in violation of OCGA 16-10-20 in order to oust Tricoli (they also hid the million-dollar contract from Tricoli for six years, which is another issue, and probably another felony). The Board of Regents made up for Skybridge losing the GPC contract by hiring them at BOR Chairman Ben Tarbutton’s pet project in his home town of Sandersville. When we flesh out the personal, political, and financial connections between Skybridge and BOR members,  that will also be quite a scandal.
Education costs have crossed the Price/Demand curve.  Student loans stand at $1.2 trillion. Students are rethinking the value of college courses and looking for smarter ways to prepare for careers that pay enough to enable them to be self-supporting. Students are enrolling in 2 year local community college courses to save room and board expenses.  Many courses and majors are not valued in the job market.  Universities have become “politically correct” liberal indoctrination camps. Faculty life is highly politicized. Free speech is nonexistent. Junk science is rampant. Rather than correct these problems, our universities have ignored the problems and poured $billions into new buildings and landscaping. The business model based on offering a flawless campus experience is failing. Expect a defensive reaction by university administrations as this business plan unravels.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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