Sunday, October 11, 2015

Media Worldview

Fact Checker Propaganda

Cover Blown! The Shocking Truth About “Fact Checker” Websites

Fact checker websites are popular in the media. You see them referenced in all different kinds of articles where an author is trying to support or disprove a certain position or point of view. Unfortunately, though, fact checker websites lie. details two specific examples where fact checker websites bolster the positions of the big money players in a game. In one case, the discussion is about vaccinations and the other about the recent Planned Parenthood videos. For example, in regards to the Planned Parenthood videos, writes,

“”Fact checkers” working for the Washington Post, Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee Lee tried to downplay this serious issue, painting Fiorina as a liar who is only spewing disinformation. The only ones spewing lies, of course, are the “fact checkers” who are subservient to the most violent, intrusive, life-terminating procedures in America.”

The bigger issue in regards to my point here is that these fact checker websites like to promote the idea that they tell the truth, but they are, like much of the mainstream media, simply puppets of groups that want to control you. Often these groups are multi-national corporations and political liberals, both of which want to control your life for the support and advancement of their values.

So, when you try to get real, solid information about a subject, be careful when reviewing fact checker websites. Find out their sources, and follow the money to get to the truth of bias. And be adult enough to make up your own mind.


So-called "fact checker" websites are the biggest liars of all by L.J. Devon, 9/18/15


(NaturalNews) It is always smart to question political candidates when they make their claims, but it's even wiser to question the "facts" advertised and perpetuated by the mainstream media. Those who work for the consciousness of the mainstream media are bound to please the industries that keep them in business. The Associated Press must keep their sponsors happy and therefore have an agenda to push.

That which is deemed a "fact" by the mainstream media is often just a lie repeated over and over again until it is believed. Just because authorities say that something is true and just because the majority of people accept it blindly does not mean it is fact at all. For example, the science is not "settled" on vaccines, as some government officials have stated. It doesn't take a neurosurgeon to recognize that the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, and aborted fetal cell lines found in various vaccines burden the recipient's internal organs and brain. When did these damaging ingredients become so accepted as preventive medicine in the first place?

Mainstream media "fact checking" is used to silence the real issues "Fact checker" websites that try to set the record straight are often the most misleading portals of propaganda out there. These "fact checker" sites try to downplay the important issues affecting the health and soul of the country.

At the September 2015 CNN Republican debate, moderators tried to make the Presidential candidates agree that vaccines do not cause autism. They tried to trap Donald Trump first, but he asserted that the overzealous vaccine schedule for children is burdensome and that the bigger problem is the rising autism rate.

"Fact checkers" working for the mainstream media tried to label Trump and anyone who dares to question vaccines out to be dangerous and unscientific. These "fact checkers" don't realize that more people are making correlations when it comes to vaccine damage. More people are seeing their sons and daughters fall into the autism spectrum after being vaccinated. The evidence is right in front of everyone, but it's hard to admit that "science" could ultimately be used to cause harm to people.

The most bizarre part of it all is that the vaccine-autism connection has already been
confessed by CDC whistleblower William Thompson.

Mainstream media "fact checkers" would like the American people to think this is all a made-up story,
but they are the ones who are lying to the public.

"Fact checkers" try to downplay mass infanticide taking place at Planned Parenthood. When someone like Carly Fiorina stands up against the grotesque organ harvesting traditions of Planned Parenthood in a nationally televised debate, the mainstream media tries to downplay her call to action as if she is making things up and exaggerating.

These mainstream media "fact checkers" try to make her claims look like lies, but the truth can be seen in the evidence: the ten undercover videos currently published by the Center for Medical Progress. The videos expose Planned Parenthood as an enterprise that expedites infanticide, profiting off of the most gruesome abortion procedures.

Carly Fiorina spoke out about it at the September CNN debate. She said, "As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain." How dare she challenge the President to do something about infanticide!

"Fact checkers" working for the Washington Post, Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee Lee tried to downplay this serious issue, painting Fiorina as a liar who is only spewing disinformation. The only ones spewing lies, of course, are the "fact checkers" who are subservient to the most violent, intrusive, life-terminating procedures in America.

The "fact checkers" should respect what Fiorina is saying as she refers to the content of ten undercover videos that show what the abortion industry is really made of. The videos show a former organ harvester for Stem Express (a Planned Parenthood affiliate) giving testimony regarding operations she regrets doing. The most disturbing detail she revealed was that she extracted a brain while the child's heart was still beating.

In another video, Planned Parenthood pathologists are seen picking up limbs and organs with forceps while discussing prices. The video even recorded one pathologist finding the male sex organ on the discarded fetus and claiming "It's a boy!"

Mainstream media "fact checkers," it seems, would like the public to believe this is all a hoax, but make no mistake: the people are awakening to the truth and seeing right through the "fact checker" propaganda cover-ups.

Sources for this article include:,

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