Tuesday, October 6, 2015

TPA Passed with Bribes

Rampant Corruption in Full View as Congress Passes Controversial Trade Bill
Despite vocal and over-whelming public opposition to the secret Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, the Senate passed fast track authorization.
We, The People, were sold out. Money talks and the big winners are the multi-national corporations and their puppet politicians we “elect” to support them.
It’s a Who’s Who of long-serving leaders of The House and The Senate: House Leader John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell.
Contributions from pro-Obamatrade lobbyist alone were enough to make very wealthy people of those who are supposed to represent the citizens, and the period of time immediately preceding the vote, that between October 1st of last year and June of 2015 is still unknown. Certainly the pot was “sweetened” considerably more as the deadline drew nearer.
Contributions to House members from forces favorable to Obamatrade outnumbered those from those opposed by a factor of 8.6 times, $197,869,145 to $23,065,231. The differences were even more stark in the Senate, with a total of $285,225,162 in financial incentives being meted out from supporting groups and only $27,569,149 from the opposition, over ten times as much. There were 32 House members with over a million dollars in contributions and many who were just below that threshold. In the Senate, only five Senators were below the one million dollar mark, and two of those, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) voted no, and against betrayal of their country.
The formula in the House seems fairly simple, at least as far as rewarding those in leadership positions. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) got a cool $5 million and change, Mike McCarthy (R-CA) half that at $2.4 million, and Steve Scalise (R-LA) half again at $1.2 million. For Paul Ryan, the price of American sovereignty was $2.2 million.
In the Senate the picture is even uglier, and much more blatant. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “acquired” $9.2 million, John Cornyn (R-TX) $5.3 million and Orrin Hatch $4.2, the third member of the Senate trio of traitors forcing this upon us.
Marco Rubio pocketed $3.9 million for voting to tie us to a bill he never read, with his fellow presidential candidate Lindsey Graham “earning” $3.4 million.
TPP guarantees the profits of multi-national corporations at taxpayer expense and will destroy thousands of jobs. It’s a horrible deal for all but the top executives and major stockholders of multi-national corporations and paid off politicians.
Nearly 500 MILION dollars were contributed to YOUR elected representatives to support this legislation.
It IS simple. WE were sold out. Our politicians are bought. The response is simple. We only have ONE answer. Throw them ALL out.
Posted July 2015 on this blog

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