Monday, October 12, 2015

Trickle Up Redistribution Explained

Before the income tax started in 1913, tariffs paid for government and business innovators got to keep whatever they earned.  Scientists had been working on applied physics and chemistry since the 1500s and by the 1800s inventions were working.  The business innovators used their wealth to develop steam engines and other devices to kick-start the industrial revolution. Within 50 years we had the telephone, electric power, automobiles, clean water, and home appliances and living conditions improved for everybody. This was the 5000 year leap.

After 1913, tax rates started to climb with top rates settling in the 70% to 90% range. Businesses struggled to make 5% profit and executives were paid well under $50,000 a year.  Owners still made $millions, but kept it in working capital and lost it with the death tax. 

After 1945, companies hired lots of employees rather than letting taxes take most of their profits.  Productivity and quality were abysmal, because they were irrelevant.  The cost of borrowing was 4%, but had moved to 7% by the 1970s.  Immigration was limited to agricultural workers.  The middle class flourished.
The game changed in the late 1970s when inflation from government overspending in the 1960s doubled prices and moms went to work. Immigration restrictions were abandoned in 1965.  The cost of borrowing rose from 7% to 13% from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. Jobs dried up and homelessness increased.  The middle class took a hit. 

The game changed again in 1986 when taxes were cut to 35% and companies could actually keep more of their profits.  Productivity and quality increased due to advances in electronics and so did top salaries.  Inflation and Interest rates settled to 10% and then to 7%.  Foreign cars poured in to the US because of poor US car quality.  The middle class took another hit.

In 1992, UN Agenda 21 was approved and unleashed $trillions of mal-investments in uneconomical alternative energy and destabilized countries.  In 1993, NAFTA started the offshoring of US jobs. Immigration doubled again in 1989 to 1 million a year. The middle class took another hit.

By 2000, the US economy was well on the way to a decline that would not only hit the middle class, but would hit 80% of American households. Hedge Funds have soaked up all the money and when this bubble implodes, it will take us down.

Big Companies are “investing” to continue to own their own Congressmen and Senators and President again.  They are already heavily invested in the status quo and don’t seem to be that worried about sovereign debt, the declining global market demand or the coming currency crash.  Big Money is invested in hedge funds with $800 trillion betting countries will collapse with their currencies.  It boggles the mind to think these businesses want to crash the global economy, but it is part of UN Agenda 21.  We need to restrict campaign contributions to American citizens who are legal registered voters. They would be the only ones allowed to contribute to political candidates and that would be only candidates who appear on their ballot.

We need to cut $800 billion from the federal budget by closing unconstitutional federal departments, agencies and programs. We need to end hedge funds with taxes and regulations. We need to end immigration by cancelling their welfare benefits. We need to pay down our debts and eliminate unnecessary regulations. We need to end federal grants, foreign aid and UN Agenda 21 implementation. We need to audit the Fed and end money printing. We need to quit the UN and restore the US Constitution (as written). Democrats will argue against following the Constitution, but we tried it their way and it failed. 

Taxes need to be funded by those who want the services. We will pay for water, sewers, roads and bridges with local taxes. Business should pay for what it wants, but we need to remove subsidies and lower the corporate tax rate to be competitive, so I bet they don’t want to pay for the agencies they started.  They wanted us to pay for those and now we don’t want to do that.

Education, Healthcare are unhelpful and overpriced and need to be privatized reduce their costs. Schools have become Communist indoctrination camps, Big Pharma has failed to produce cures and government wants to destroy itself so we can become citizens of the UN global corporate oligarchy. This is your Bolshevik moment. Voters can turn this around.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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