Friday, November 20, 2015

Enemies Within

Are Governments really this dumb, or is it a Racket ?

It appears that the function of government is to cause problems and then try to solve them to justify their existence, but never solve them. In addition, they cause other problems. They spend a fortune to “stabilize” volatile parts of the world and then send in the CIA to destabilize other parts of the world.

Politicians pontificate pipe-dreams about how magnanimous we are and we do not hold them in check by disagreeing with their naïve schemes.  When we do disagree, the Liberals call us names. 

From the 1970s forward, European countries began immigrating Muslims to settle in their countries mesmerized in the delusion of “multi-culturalism”.  But Muslims do not assimilate into non-Muslim countries; it’s against Sharia law.  Instead, they isolate and bully their way into taking over.  Having seen this for decades, the US government followed the Europeans in this folly. 

Are the Democrats delusional or just evil.  I would say evil.  Evil because they are crooked. The live on lies, bribes, derision and extortion.  If laws really applied equally, they would all be in jail.  They are the American Communist Enemies Within. They push the bad Bills and the RINOs cave in.

The scam is enabled by RINOs, the media and an oligarchy of global corporate interests who are all on the take.  Our Republic has become their toy. Obama is overspending by $10 trillion.

The Bush Presidents were enablers. Bush I signed on to UN Agenda 21 and Bush II overspent $5 trillion.

The US government passed the Community Redevelopment Act of 1993 and allowed HUD anti-discrimination rules to go rogue to create the mortgage default meltdown of 2008.  It also passed NAFTA to off-shore all of our manufacturing and engineering jobs in 1993.  In 1989, government doubled to quadrupled immigration to the US to take jobs from 102 million US citizens. 

The UN seems to be the epicenter for this nonsense.  In 1992 they proposed UN Agenda 21 based on the global warming hoax.  They got the US and other governments to bribe academics with $billions in “research” grants to provide the evidence.  Instead, they got caught cooking the books.  Having ignored that scandal, they are meeting again this December in Paris to jam through the global carbon tax.  The bill for UN Agenda 21 implementation runs in the $trillions, building economically unsustainable wind and solar structures and doubling Europe’s electric bills.

The UN and the US Government are also pushing TPP to strip the US of its sovereignty by setting up appointed global courts to replace US Law.  They really want a “new world order” and it isn’t good, it’s a scam. 

Education, Healthcare and Government costs are unsustainable. Education and Healthcare need to be sent back to the free market for repair. Government must be made compliant with the US Constitution (as written) to shed 80% of its current unconstitutional activities. Government debt must be paid off.

Immigration should stop until at least half of our 102 million unemployed citizens are working. We need to hang a sign on the Statue of Liberty that says” “Closed for Repairs”.

Nothing will change until campaign finance laws limit campaign contributions to only allow registered voters to contribute to campaigns for candidates who appear on their ballot. Let special interests get their own websites to exercise their “free speech”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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