Thursday, November 12, 2015

EPA Ethanol Scam is fighting to stop the EPA Ethanol scam to increase ethanol in our gasoline from 10% to 15%. Ethanol is not good for our engine parts and does reduce our fuel efficiency.  We need to email our federal representatives and senators to stop this. prepared a letter to federal elected officials as follows:

I am strongly opposed to unreasonable Renewable Fuel Standard ethanol and biofuel mandates that put too much alternative fuel in our gasoline and diesel.  Please direct the EPA to set biofuels limits at levels that make sense.

Ethanol levels higher than E10 put us in dangerous territory.  Higher ethanol blends, such as E15, pose a risk to 90% of cars on the road today in addition to the smaller engines found in boats, motorcycles, and gasoline powered tools.                                 

High ethanol mandates are also bad for the environment, decreasing vehicle fuel economy and causing consumers to fill their tanks more frequently.  These mandates also increase the demand for corn for fuel, which negatively impacts food supplies and drives up food costs.

Our fuel supply cannot handle higher ethanol levels set by the RFS and our energy policies should evolve to reflect that reality.  Please direct the EPA to set reasonable ethanol mandates and fix the RFS. -

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader   

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