Friday, November 13, 2015

Marxist Black Student Group

Black student group vows bloodshed over Constitution, 'White America' told nation 'will get the bullet', by Douglas Ernst, 11/12/15

A well-established black student coalition is calling for violence if the U.S. Constitution is not replaced with a version that serves “the interests of black people.”

Afrikan Black Coalition was created in 2003 to connect activists across the University of California system. It has gone from concentrating on the low admittance and retention rates of black students in California to developing leadership and communication skills for members.

The group posted an op-ed, “A New Constitution or the Bullet,” Nov. 4 against a backdrop of racial tension at campuses across the U.S.

“I have come to realize that the Constitution is the root of virtually all our problems in America. In order to understand the injustices against Black folks in United States, we must look back to its foundation. The U.S. is a country that was founded on slavery, genocide, rape, and white-male patriarchy,” the group wrote. “A body cannot be separated from its head and remain living. The Constitution and all the evil that it allows to be perpetuated are the head of White America, or more so corrupt America. Racist America. … A Constitution written by only white men will never serve the interests of black people. The Constitution was written for the ruling class of white men which constructed whiteness to be more valuable than any other race.”

Author “Brother B” then called for bloodshed if the group’s demands were not met. “Do we not have the right to abolish the laws that oppress us? It is time to claim the Declaration of Independence and apply it to our struggle as colonized black people in America.

The United States has us; it is time we demand a new constitution or tell America that she will get the bullet. White supremacy’s bullets are killing black people every day. If America does not protect us, then it is our human right to defend ourselves by any means necessary. It is our human right to overthrow a government that has been destructive to our people. This is why we must rise up and let all people come together and write new constitution to serve ALL people. … We must pick up where the Black Panthers left off and declare a new constitution or it will be the bullet,” the activist wrote.

Education Watchdog Campus Reform reached out to Afrikan Black Coalition for comment on the article, but did not receive a reply.

The nonprofit organization pointed out that taxpayer-funded institutions like UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, and San Diego State University all have given the Afrikan Black Coalition real estate on their websites.

The Afrikan Black Coalition’s current executive director, Salih Muhammad, is a native of Oakland, California. He graduated in 2009 from the Muhammad University of Islam in Chicago, Illinois. Muhammad also attended UC Berkeley and chaired its Black Student Union. He now teaches high school in Oakland.

The Afrikan Black Coalition bills its annual conference as “the largest Black Student conference in California.” The Afrikan Black Coalition is not alone in calling for changes anathema to the principles enshrined in 1776′s Declaration of Independence and codified into law when the U.S. Constitution was ratified (by all states except Rhode Island and North Carolina) in 1788.

A collection of students from 115 colleges planned a national walkout on Thursday to promote “free” college education as a right, WND reported. The “Million Student March” was organized on Facebook and scheduled for 3 p.m. EST.

“The United States is the richest country in the world, yet students have to take on crippling debt in order to get a college education. We need change and change starts in the streets when people demand it,” the coalition’s Facebook page said.

Former adviser to President George W.H. Bush, Mark Serrano, asked Fox Business during an air-on interview Wednesday where the students’ logic will take them.

“Where’s the limit? If you think about it, why stop at college loans? Why don’t we give a car to every student, a new car,” said Serrano. “Maybe we can pay for their clothes. You know, every dorm room should have a case of toilet paper. Maybe we should just break the bank and give them everything we need.”


The connection between these unhappy groups is Marxism. They infiltrated the Congress to ignore the Constitution and they desperately want to destroy it. They infiltrated our universities to indoctrinate students in Marxism masked as environmentalism and multiculturalism. They infiltrated the unions to gain political power. They infiltrated the environmental movement to create unnecessary regulations. They infiltrated the Democrat Party to be unrecognizable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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