Saturday, November 14, 2015

No School Spirit in Indoctrination Camps

Schools will curry favor with whoever funds them.  Wealthy donors have built buildings for their favorite schools.  Now our bankrupt government is the primary benefactor for schools.  Schools are subject to the whims of the Whitehouse and are obeying the destructive rules that come with the money.  Marxist professors are entrenched in these universities and they are more than willing operatives for the Marxists in our government.  They have been in “sleeper cells” for some time, but are now involved in advancing Marxism rapidly. 

Schools are no longer based on worthwhile education and common sense. There are way too many courses that are all about indoctrination. 

Sports for schools have been key assets for school spirit, but the incident at the University of Missouri shows a more sinister plan. Once the black radicals were able to get the football team and their $35.6 million revenue to sign on to their trumped-up hunger strike and protest, the battle was won.  Sports is now a key asset for revenue.

The university protest movements elsewhere also contain demands that mirror the Democrat give-away promises to bribe “useful idiots” into protesting for a $15 per hour minimum wage, free college tuition and a full bailout from the student loan scam.

Democrats are masters at setting up unsustainable expensive structures that go bad and then require even more expensive solutions. None of this spending is in any way related to reality. It’s a delusion; it’s wishful thinking; it’s a pipe-dream. It’s perfect, unless you ask who is going to pay for the free ride.

Thoughtful students comprise the majority of our students and they aren’t happy with these schools.  They are easy pickings for good schools who are free from the federal bribery indoctrination trap.

Education costs are at least 4 times higher than they should be and students are opting to go to community colleges to save money.  The Price/Demand curve is reducing the number of US students applying to the more expensive schools.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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