Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama’s Refugee Slam-dunk is Illegal

Obama Makes ILLEGAL Move to Sneak Refugees into America

(Conservative Tribune) – President Barack Obama is determined to bring Syrian refugees into the United States by hook or by crook. Even after many state governments have openly rejected the placement of refugees in their jurisdiction, Obama intends to do so anyway.

The Refugee Act of 1980 states that the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement is to collaborate with state and local governments when resettling refugees, according to National Review.

To put it precisely, the administration will consult with “state and local governments and private nonprofit voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities before their placement in those States and localities.”

These consultations aren’t happening. After the Paris attacks, White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said the plan to bring refugees to the country has not changed.

That statement, coupled with the mounting fear of unvetted refugees pouring into the U.S., prompted Republicans in Congress to prepare legislation that threatens to suspend any refugee program for Syrians.

Obama has mocked those who are concerned about the placement of these “refugees.” He will do what he has always done when the people disagree with him — whatever he wants.

Apparently, it’s OK for states and localities to ignore federal immigration law if they want to declare themselves “sanctuary cities,” but not OK if they actually expect the federal government to obey its own regulation.

Obama does not have the interests of America or her citizens at heart. It seems he is bent on destroying this country and, regardless of what state and local governments do, he’s going to defy them at every turn — just as he always has.

He has done more to weaken this country than any other president and it’s horrifying to consider what he has planned for his last year in the White House. He must be stopped before we have another terror attack on our own soil.

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