Sunday, November 15, 2015

Quit the UN

Can you think of ONE good reason we're shipping billions in tax dollars to the anti-American jackals at the United Nations?  I can't.   But I CAN give you SEVEN INDISPUTABLE REASONS WHY WE SHOULD GET OUT OF THE U.N. NOW.

Please take a moment to sign the GET THE UNITED STATES OUT OF THE U.N. PETITION.:

-- along with thousands and thousands more -- on the desk of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and demand that any Continuing  Resolution, or actual budget, submitted to the United States Senate for  a vote provide NOT ONE THIN DIME for the United Nations or any of their  affiliated organizations -- including so-called "peacekeeping" missions.

He's going to get the message from people just like you and me:  Americans are furious at having to pay through the nose for this expensive, outdated, anti-American organization at a time when we need every penny here at home.


 It's incompetent, It's corrupt, It's anti-American, It's ungrateful, It's costing American taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars a year -- money that's badly needed right here, right now, It's eroding the sovereignty of our United States of America and, It's secretly executing a plan to become the seat of government in the coming One World Government

The Tea Party has spent years in detailed study of the inner workings of international bureaucracies like the United Nations. That's why today we're ready to strike at the heart of the Big Government globalist machine, and I need your help to do it. There is only one solution to the United Nations problem for America: GET OUT NOW!

Right now, leadership in Congress is more receptive than ever to our message, which gives us our best-ever political opportunity to get us out of the U.N. forever.

and help me to send a message to Congress via Majority Leader McConnell.

Let's look at my SEVEN INDISPUTABLE REASONS for getting the U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S.

Reason Number 1 - Incompetence

Recently, the U.N. Relief and Works Administration (UNRWA) allowed Hamas to use the schools the U.N. runs in Gaza to store the weapons. Hamas is using to shoot rockets at Israel from Gaza. They are supposed to be peacekeepers, not acting as an arms warehouse for terrorists!

Its peacekeeping missions hardly ever work (the one in Palestine has been there since 1948 -- and there is still no peace!), its Commissions seldom resolve anything, and even its own website is reduced to citing achievements as sordid as the fact that it's the world's largest purchaser of contraceptives.

In addition, there is no accurate accounting for the programs that span the U.N.'s 37 agencies, innumerable "funds," programs and commissions -- and no plan to ever introduce fiscally responsible accounting in the future.

Reason Number 2 - Corruption

Corruption is rife at the United Nations. Consider the Iraqi
Oil-for-Food scandal, where billions of dollars meant to provide food and medicine for Iraqis was siphoned off either into the Swiss bank accounts of U.N. bureaucrats like Kofi Annan and his son or to give the late dictator Saddam Hussein even more money to buy weapons and terrorize his people.

Now, it appears the U.N.'s program in Afghanistan has double-paid many of its employees as well as employing so-called "ghost" soldiers.

And if you think the U.N. has cleaned up its act, think again.
I'll bet you didn't hear about this from the mainstream media: John Ashe, the President to the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and a major player in the U.N. for years, was just arrested for taking massive bribes.

It's not all just greedy corruption. U.N. peacekeepers were found to be sexually abusing helpless women and children in exchange for food.

Recently, French U.N. peacekeepers were accused of molesting multiple small boys on a deployment in the Central African Republic. The allegations only came to light thanks to a U.N. aid worker who was suspended as a result of the leak.

As one observer said, it's U.N. policy to "ignore, deny, cover up, dissemble" any sexual violence in its ranks.

Reason Number 3 -- Anti-American

Despite the shedding of blood by American troops in defense of people the world over, the United Nations remains resolutely anti-American. The predominant beliefs within the U.N. are Marxist, with totalitarianism coming in a close second. Dictators, murderers and crooks frequently lecture the U.S. on its human rights record and deride our culture.

Consider the increasing politicization of the U.N. General Assembly, which is not able to agree on a definition of the word "terrorism" but continues to condemn the United States, even sending an official U.N. delegation to the United States to investigate bogus claims of American human rights violations and another to "monitor" our elections.

And these same so-called "human rights" champions REFUSE to condemn Al Qaeda, ISIS or any Islamic radical terrorist groups!

I'm sure you'll agree that it's time to chop the head off this snake and get back our money, our land, our equipment and our armed forces.

Reason Number 4 - Ungrateful

The U.S. is by far the largest contributor to charitable projects administered by the United Nations. It is especially generous in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. It is a generosity of spirit that is completely unreturned. In over 70% of votes, the countries that receive the most money from America vote against us in the U.N. Do you remember the intemperate speeches -- generally greeted with wild applause -- that compared then-President Bush with the Devil, threatened our nation, and even declared Holy War on us?

Reason Number 5 -- Costs way too much

The U.S. is committed under the U.N. agreement to pay for around a quarter of all "regular" budget items. That alone costs the U.S. taxpayer more than half a billion dollars per year. In addition, the other costs -- for peacekeeping operations and all the endless programs and funds the U.N. administers to keep other nations from killing each other, or starving their people to death, or keeping murderous dictators in private jets -- bring the total to $1.9 Billion!

To put it in perspective,China, which has foreign exchange reserves of more than $2.62 trillion, contributes 4% to U.N. peacekeeping; India, with billions of dollars in reserves, contributes a measly 0.1% -- while the struggling U.S. contributes 27% of the entire U.N. budget!

Reason Number 6 -- Eroding America's sovereignty

Day by day, the unelected bureaucrats conspire with the
internationalists in our own government to cede our nation's
sovereignty to the United Nations through international treaties and agreements that pass power from the U.S. to the U.N. Slowly but surely our nation is being gobbled up by the U.N., and unless we stop it now our United States will disappear forever.

Just this year, the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty aimed at killing our 2nd Amendment was rammed through the General Assembly and U.N. officials are plotting to build a world police to enforce its dictates!

Reason Number 7 -- The U.N. is executing their plan to become the World Government

Over 50,000 U.N. bureaucrats and tens of thousands more "consultants" are executing their secret plan to make the United Nations into the seat of government in the New World Order. Every other nation -- our United States included -- will be absorbed into this One World Government and we will be forever at the mercy of unelected U.N. bureaucrats.

At this crucial time in our history... instead of standing firm
against the United Nations, the ultra-liberal President Obama and the John Kerry State Department have already begun to creep and crawl to the odious U.N. Human Rights Council by reporting Arizona's then-Governor Jan Brewer for "human rights abuses" in her stand against illegal immigration.

And like all liberals, Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of the U.S. State Department, held the U.S. Constitution in utter contempt, and continually voiced her support for a United Nations worldwide ban on private firearms -- an unconstitutional treaty recently signed by her successor, John Kerry. This is intolerable. They must be stopped.

It's time to let the Congress know exactly how we feel. They must defund all U.N. contributions and start our withdrawal from the U.N. as soon as possible. Defunding could not be timelier right now, with the most sympathetic Congress we've ever had.

That's why your support is so vital right now. Already, the Tea Party is gearing up to take this message to Congress with every tool we have.

Sincerely, Steve Eichler, CEO Tea Party/


Google UN Agenda 21 to see the UN plan to destroy the US using the global warming hoax. They want our carbon tax to start at $100 billion a year. They want the US to be bankrupt and to dissolve.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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