Monday, November 16, 2015

Refugee Update

Total refugee populations come from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eritrea.

Syria has 4.1 million refugees.  Jordan has taken 629,000 and Lebanon has 1.1 million, Iraq has 250,000, Egypt has 132,000   Turkey has 1.9 million, United Arab Emirates: 250,000; that adds up to 4.26 million.

Libya and Hungary have been staging countries for refugees attempting to reach Europe. Refugees are also in Greece.  

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain have none and want no part of this refugee problem. Saudi Arabia is fighting in Yemen.  Iran isn’t taking refugees either.

Refugees want to go to Germany, UK, France, Italy, Austria, Greece and Sweden. But citizen complaints of refugee violence have caused Austria and others to close their borders and all other European citizens are protesting to get their governments to close their borders as well. 

Daily Sabah-Oct 24, 2015
Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia on Saturday threatened to close their borders if EU countries to the north stop accepting migrants. 12, 2015
So it is quite a big deal when a nice country like Sweden decides, completely of its own accord, to temporarily close its borders to immigrants. ... an initial 10 days, to control the flow of Syrian and other migrants into the country.

Governors of Michigan, Alabama reject resettlement of Syrian refugees.  - Washington Post, 11/16/15


The Paris attack caused France to close their borders and all the rest of the Western governments are under citizen pressure to close their borders as well.

The Muslim countries in the Middle East are waiting to see what the West will put up with.  We in the West don’t want to bring ANY Muslim refugees into our countries. We prefer that these refugees remain in Muslim countries, in internment camps until portions of their countries are stable enough to move them back to their home countries.

For decades, Muslim countries have failed to make their citizens self-supporting. They have ensured that their citizens learn the Quran, but that’s about it. They also promote excessive population expansion, but lack the resources to support their expanding populations. Now they want to move in with us. But their Quran instructs them to convert us or kill us.  We need to either close our borders or perish.

The destabilization of the Middle East started with the US invasion of Iraq and culminated in Obama’s “Arab Spring”. Now the terrorists want us to fund their invasion of our countries. We need to impeach Obama before this gets worse and clean house in DC.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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