Saturday, November 14, 2015

Troops want their Guns

American Troops Revolt… Issue Massive Demand to Barack Hussein Obama

(Conservative Tribune) – American troops are stepping forward and demanding the President Barack Obama allow them to carry concealed firearms on military bases in America, in defiance of his liberal agenda.

After several terrorist attacks on U.S. military bases (or, as President Obama would say, “acts of workplace violence”), a vast majority of the U.S. military wants to be able to conceal carry on bases.

The Washington Times reported that a Rasmussen Report found that 81 percent of military service members want to conceal carry on bases in the U.S.

They understand that we are war with radical Islam. I wonder if our own government ever will. After five servicemen were slaughtered in July in Chattanooga, a review of military gun policies was begun, but has already taken far too long.

“The tragic shooting on July 16 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, illustrates the continuing threat to DOD personnel in the U.S. homeland posed by Homegrown Violent Extremists,” Defense Secretary Ashton Carter wrote after the terror attack.

“This incident and the ongoing threat underscore the need for DOD to review its force protection and security policies, and procedures, particularly for off-installation DOD facilities,” he added.

The review of this policy could mean more armed guards on bases, or it could result in troops being allowed to carry weapons. The troops would obviously prefer the latter.
The Islamic State group has made it clear that it wants its followers in America to kill U.S. troops whenever and wherever possible. They are bringing this war to our soil, and we need to adapt accordingly.

It’s naive to believe that our troops are safe behind a chainlink fence with a checkpoint at the entrance. In order for our military to have a fighting chance, they need the ability to be armed at all times, in accordance with their Second Amendment right.

We wouldn’t send them into a battle overseas with no weapons, so why are we disarming them stateside, where the battle is continuing?

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