Friday, December 11, 2015

All Immigration needs to stop

Refugees and immigrants have no legal right to be admitted into the US.  They have been admitted in the past because the US had periodic labor shortages and could welcome immigrants to become self-supporting.  Excessive immigration of 41 million since 1989 is the only reason we have 100 million unemployed US citizens.  It is clear that all immigration needs to stop until at least half of these unemployed US citizens have jobs.  That would cut the number of working age unemployed US citizens from 100 million to about 60 million. 
Our economy adds about 2 million jobs a year.  At that rate, we would be able to admit immigrants in about 30 years.  That would undo the excessive immigration we have been subjected to by the federal government.

The Anchor Baby and Chain Migration loopholes need to be closed. The corrupted H1b visa system needs to be tightened. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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