Friday, December 4, 2015

Global Warming Hoax

11 Liberal Media Lies That You Probably Did Not Even Know Were Bogus: Climate Change Is The Number One Threat Facing Our Nation, 9/5/15

The mainstream media establishment has almost exclusively reported global warming from the point of view of religiously zealous global warming advocates. But when thousands of emails were released to the public by hackers that proved that climate “scientists” were cooking the data and then working with members of the media, especially the BBC, to sell global warming theories, the Old Media tried its best to completely ignore the story. Weeks and weeks went by before the first few mavens of the Old Media finally mentioned the emails that put the lie to the “consensus” of global climate change.

John R. Lott reported in a column in 2009 on that “Computer hackers have obtained 160 megabytes of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England. These e-mails, which have now been confirmed as real, involved many researchers across the globe with ideologically similar advocates around the world. They were brazenly discussing the destruction and hiding of data that did not support global warming claims. The academics here also worked closely with the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”

Yet biased media piece after biased media piece attempted to counter this disturbing story with plaintive accusations of misinterpretation and blaming conspiracy-theorists. The mainstream media dutifully circled the wagons and continued to cry “global warming” in an attempt to drown out the dissenting voices pointing at the “smoking gun” of damning emails. And it may have worked.

That was then, this is now. And now, according to Robert Tracinski writing in, “…one of the big problems with the global warming theory: [is] a long plateau in global temperatures since about 1998. Most significantly, this leveling off was not predicted by the theory, and observed temperatures have been below the lowest end of the range predicted by all of the computerized climate models.”

So what do the conscientious researchers do in the face of contrary data? “Why, change the data, of course!” And, in the meantime, thousands more Climategate emails have been released, but have you heard of them? Probably not…

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