Saturday, December 5, 2015

Government Lies


Americans: Please read the letter below, from Senior Chief Geoff Ross. Feel free to send one of your own.

Obama is a Muslim. His father was a Muslim...therefore, in the eyes of the Muslim religion, the religion of the father dictates the religion of the children. This is the only explanation of his behavior that makes sense.

Geoff sums up exactly how the legislators are responsible for the results of their actions.

America's policies are based on lies: Lies of Global warming, Lies of Fossil Fuel, Lies of Vaccines, Lies of National Security, and the Open Border/Immigration Lie.

How do you protect ANYTHING, if the doors and windows are WIDE OPEN? How do you fight A LIE? There is only one way, the TRUTH.

As seen by this election cycle, Americans are engaged. We are paying attention. Conservative, non-establishment candidates have captured the majority.

This is not the end, it is the beginning. Undoing the damage done to America...takes WORK. I know we ARE up to the TASK. If not you, who? If not now, when?*

In Liberty, Karen Schoen, AgEnder.

To the Speaker of the House: You better hope that not one American dies, or is injured, maimed, raped, accosted, or so much as feel threatened by, at the hands of any refugee (Syrian or Somali, or Iraqi, or from any nation) that are being
brought into this nation by you and the Obama Muslim régime on my tax dollars.

These Syrians that you are helping with your cry me a river, feel sorry mindset are potential ISIS terrorists.  They are a threat to the national security of this nation.   Saudi Arabia has taken in ZERO Syrians. Why ? We must also take in ZERO. The French finally woke up.  You need to wake your a s s up, too.

Washington DC is disarmed, except for the politicians with their Capital Police body guards.  I would suggest you tell the residents of this political cesspool Communist infected Muslim town to arm up and protect themselves, too. We are at WAR, dude and now they, as in ISIS are in the United States.

Congressman Ryan. I will hold you personally accountable for your inaction if any American suffers from the political correctness in Washington DC. at the hands of terrorists that are coming into this nation. You are now the leader of the GOP. DO you job and lead..... without fear.  Do not worry about hurting the feelings of your RINO - Democrat Communist friends in the GOP. PROTECT THE COUNTRY.

I will under the full authority of the US Constitution with my
political friends be your worst nightmare within the confines of the law if one America suffers from this Muslim invasion.

Your phones will ring, your offices will be visited with law-abiding citizens in DC and Wisconsin, asking QUESTIONS. You will be branded as potentially complicit to any injuries or death sustained by Muslims on Americans because of any inaction if you fail to protect us if it is proven they came here as refugees with your approval.

You will find no peace in the United States.  The 1st Amendment will be used against you, the 2nd Amendment will be used to protect us and the rest my friend will be a pile of wax that will be forever marred in the history books with you as Speaker of the House.

One death at the hands of terrorists in this country, and YOUR NAME is going to be brought up as the man who funded and supported this Muslim invasion into our country.

You, sir, are currently displaying a weak quisling attitude incapable of making command decisions to protect this Republic.  You must not be part of the weak link slowly snapping off rung by rung in the GOP.

We are watching all you politicians as the United States slowly succumbs to Communism, Muslim insurgents, terrorism and future economic 20 trillion dollar collapse. Its on your watch now !!

You, sir, have the power to try and stop Obama and protect this nation...but you are NOT displaying this leadership at this time.  You are acting like a spineless gutless coward.  Your political correctness will get people killed.

It seems you are too worried about hurting people feelings, making them feel bad, lowering their self esteem and crying in the same gene pool as John the drunk Boehner. in your GOP country club.

This nation needs LEADERSHIP. So far, you are not it.

We the people will just have to take a hold of your runny snot-nosed appendage, and lead for you.  It would be a good idea to listen to the people.  It would be a good idea to listen to the Governors who are demanding the security and protection of our nation.

I am sure the people of the Ukraine are happy about your support for their right to freely elect their government and determine their future as per your recent vote - but what the hell has that go to do with us in the USA ? Ref: 10/20 552 H.Res. 348 -

Why not write a bill to defund the refugees flooding our nation and send them to Saudi Arabia ?  Why not write a bill to cut off Obama's paycheck ?  Why not write a bill to cut off all foreign aid to Saudi Arabia and Jordan ? Why not do something worthy that your Grandchildren will thank you for ?

But I will be held to account for your actions. Or inactions, in regards to the National Security of the United States.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross
United States Navy Retired
Surface Warfare - Air Warfare - Airborne
Santa Rosa County Militia

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