Thursday, December 10, 2015

Islam is Not a Religion

Islam is a system of governance.  It prescribes Sharia Courts and these have been established in several countries in Europe and elsewhere.  It allows honor killings and stoning of women for adultery. It is incompatible with most countries’ laws.  Especially countries that conduct elections should be wary of Muslim take-overs of their governments.  Countries who have their own system of governance need to determine how dangerous Muslim immigration is to their national culture and sovereignty. 

Other religions do not impose their religious beliefs on others.  Catholics do not seek to impose Canon Law on others. 

In the 1800s, the US government confronted the Mormon polygamy practice as incompatible with US law.  The Mormons ended the practice and were allowed to function as a religion in the US.  The US government must now confront the Muslims about their jihad, polygamy, honor killing and stoning practices. If they abandon these, they could be a religion.  This would need to be a third faction of Islam with its own rules written to comply with US law. 

This would make a good lawsuit.  It would deny Muslims protection to practice Islam in the US.  A further action could be the repeal of the Civil Rights Act and the elimination of “protected groups”. This would restore America to return to being a “meritocracy”.  There would be no basis for lawsuits based on “discrimination”. That would restore America’s right to “freedom of association”.  Businesses would not be subject to lawsuits for refusing to do business with anyone. The tyranny of the minority would disappear.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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