Sunday, December 13, 2015

Liberal Lies

The new lie coming from the Left is that if Trump is the GOP nominee, the GOP will lose the Senate.  They lie again when they say that those who oppose Trump are more supportive of the Constitution.  The opposite is true.  The Liberals hate the Constitution and have been pushing it off the cliff for 100 years.

What they are really saying is that Trump’s assertion that the US can ban Muslims from entering the US.  Liberals say they can’t, because it would be discrimination.  But there is nothing in the Constitution about discrimination.Furthermore, Muslims, like Gays are not a protected class and are not legally subject to EEOC actions.

The Left wants all “useful idiots” to believe that the Civil Rights Act precluded the Declaration of Independence. They also tie their insistence that we must admit Muslims, because the Constitution does support “freedom of religion”.

But the Constitution and the right to freedom of worship only applies to US citizens and does not apply to non-citizen refugees.

All the federal government needs to do is to declare that Islam is not a religion, but is a belligerent theocratic political system that is hostile to US Law and requires invasion by migration to overthrow the US government and replace the Constitution with Sharia law.

The federal government would also be wise to repeal the Civil Rights Act to restore our right to free association and protect US businesses from frivolous lawsuit abuse.

The best thing we can do is to encourage Muslims to relocate back to a Muslim country they are comfortable with. We in the US won’t put up with having no-go zones of Sharia Muslims in our borders.

The US government threatened to ban Mormonism in the 1800s until they agreed to give up polygamy. We still hunt down the leaders of rogue polygamous cults the like Warren Jeffs and we send them to jail.  We would also consider Muslim polygamy, honor killing, abuse, beheading, stoning and mutilation as crimes.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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