Saturday, December 5, 2015

Obama the Muslim

See Obama Admit (Again) That He’s Muslim in Fraud & Corruption

Many have speculated over the years that Obama is Muslim and not the Christian he has claimed to be previously. Now comes Mr. Obama himself speaking as a member of the Muslim community.

According to Born to a Muslim father and raised in his early childhood by a Muslim stepfather in a Muslim nation, where he was registered in school as Muslim, Barack Obama has many ties to Islam that have caused some to doubt his profession of Christian faith.

Obama, who as president has supported the Muslim Brotherhood, even referred in a television interview to “my Muslim faith.” Apparently, he’s done it again.

The headline on C-SPAN following a recent Obama speech in Turkey read: “Did President Obama Just Admit He was Muslim?”

“I think on one hand non-Muslims cannot stereotype,” Obama said, “but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can killed innocent people.” He even appeared to emphasize the word “we.”

For anyone who is willing to do the research, it is ample in support of Obama’s Muslim roots. There is certainly much more evidence that Obama is Muslim and not Christian.
He refuses to use the term “Radical Islam” to discuss any terrorist incident involving a Muslim. Though, he has no problem calling out Christians, Patriots, Truthers and others.

So, is Obama a Muslim or just someone trying to show he’s a member of whatever group he’s speaking to? Leave a comment with your thoughts below.

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