Friday, December 11, 2015

Obama not popular in Egypt

VIDEO: Egyptian News Anchor Gives Props To America… Then SLAMS Obama With Truth Bomb

(Conservative Tribune) – A recent rant by Egyptian television news host Ahmed Moussa perfectly demonstrated how the searing distaste and outright repulsion many people feel toward President Barack Hussein Obama and his pitiful policies extends way beyond our borders.

“Obama the liar, the ally of the terrorists!” Moussa roared from his desk at Sada Al-Balad TV, according to a translation of the comments by the Middle East Media Research Institute. “I call him a liar. He’s a liar!”

Moussa basically accused Obama of being in bed with radical Islamic terrorists and even asserted that Obama should be put be on trial for allowing terrorist acts to continue occurring unimpeded across America, a country that this news anchor clearly loves.

“By the way, the American people are our friends,” he continued. “We are not against the American people, who are very respectful. They love Egypt very much. They teach Egyptian Pharaonic history in their schools. We have no problem whatsoever with the American people.”

What the Egyptians are against, Moussa maintained, is Obama, whose policies have done little to protect Americans from terrorism.

“Three days before the (San Bernardino) terror attack, he said, ‘There is no terrorist threat to America,’” Moussa correctly pointed out. Yet a terrorist attack occurred not only in Paris, France, but also here as well, where 14 innocent men and women lost their lives for nothing.

“If this happened in a respectful country, Obama would have been placed on trial,” Moussa added.

To hear him for yourself, please view the video at:

Talk about a breath of fresh air … and from someone who does not even live here.

That even foreigners find Obama and his policies to be so despicable should serve as a clear-cut sign to the many brainwashed fools who still view the president as some sort of messiah.  He’s not.


Egyptian voters, as you recall, ousted the Muslim Brotherhood led government Obama endorsed after the Arab Spring and elected a new government. Abdel Fattah el Sisi has been President since 2014. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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