Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Our Values

Obama claims that our values require us to have open borders and to accept all the unskilled indigent 3rd world immigrants who can make it to US soil.  Obama claims that the global warming hoax needs to continue to destroy our economy completely.

These are not our values.  Our values were based on providing the ability of our citizens to be self-supporting.  We limited immigrants based on our need for labor, to make sure that we could provide that opportunity to be self-supporting to these immigrants.

The folly of government education, government healthcare and government welfare should be clear to all Western governments by now. 

Our values do not embrace disarming ourselves or letting our government disarm us.

Our values do not embrace an ever-growing overreaching government to micromanage us and seize our children, our guns, our freedom, our voice, our bank accounts and our property.

Our values are codified in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution (as written).  They are based on very limited government and maximum freedom to earn our living in a private sector, free market economy that is not corruptly regulated by government.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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