Saturday, January 16, 2016

Asylum Fraud

US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more? I believe it will. Posted by Ann Corcoran on January 15, 2016

We have written often over the years about asylum fraud.  But, before I give you the latest story, just a reminder about terminology in use here in America.

A “refugee” is generally considered someone who claims they will be persecuted for one of several reasons and is transported here to America and resettled by a federal contractor. (Running from crime or war is not persecution!)

One of those responsible for the present asylum system is Doris Meissner, former head of the INS. I’ll have more on her at American Resistance 2016! But, read about her here in my 2011 call for a Congressional investigation.

An “asylum seeker” is someone who gets into the country either illegally or legally (visa overstays etc.) and then asks for asylum claiming he or she will be persecuted if sent home.  If granted asylum the migrant is often referred to as an “asylee” or sometimes as a “political refugee.”

Both asylees and refugees are eligible for all sorts of welfare goodies and often come under the ‘care’ (become clients) of a resettlement contractor whose job it is to get them signed up for their ‘services.’

In Europe, most of the hundreds of thousands of European invaders from Muslim countries will be asking for asylum hoping to be declared officially as refugees.  The EU’s big mistake is twofold, first they didn’t turn the boats back when the invasion began, and secondly they let them loose among their citizens when they should have built camps to hold them until their cases could be reviewed, but I digress!

I fully expect as migrants see the success asylum seekers are having in Europe there will be an even bigger run on US borders especially in this last year of the Obama Administration (before Trump builds the wall!).

By the way, it is almost exactly five years to the day that I called for a Congressional investigation of asylum fraud when I observed cases of young Somalis who spoke no English getting half way around the world via an enormously expensive trip, and knew to arrive at our southern border and ask for asylum.  I contend someone in the US is helping them!

Here is the news at Pajamas Media by Todd Bensman: Until her 2013 arrest in Texas, the Mexico City-based Nepalese smuggler Rakhi Gauchan was one of the most prolific kingpin smugglers of Islamic world migrants that federal agents had seen in years.

During her long career, Gauchan delivered scores of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Indians to the Texas and Arizona borders. Ten or more every month, according to court filings from her case. Immigration and Customs Enforcement “special interest alien” (SIA) hunters were glad to finally remove her from the borderlands, because Gauchan confided to an undercover government agent that she believed a Pakistani client she had smuggled into Arizona was a bonafide terrorist. ICE agents rushed to track down the Pakistani, learning he was quite real and living in America, having gained political asylum.

The Gauchan case, and other SIA smuggling prosecution cases I examined as part of my Naval Postgraduate School thesis research on illegal immigration from Muslim nations, demonstrate that these smugglers literally count on the ease of defrauding the U.S. asylum system to buoy illicit businesses that make terrorist border infiltration possible.
There is much more here.

By the way, the Tsarnaev Boston bomber brothers’ family was a successful asylum case.  I also believe the Chattanooga, Tennessee killer’s family was here having been granted asylum, but no one is talking that I know of.

When we talk about refugee admission numbers to the US each year (which in recent years has been around 70,000 per year), please remember that an additional 25,000 or so are granted asylum each year.  We didn’t choose and screen those ‘refugees’ they showed up here on their own steam.  Many thousands more than that 25,000 are basically loose in America waiting for their cases to be adjudicated.

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