Friday, January 8, 2016

Gun Grab Scam

Your DOCTOR is now your DICTATOR: Obama gives doctors power to declare you 'mentally ill' and take away your guns, by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, 1/6/16

(NaturalNews) Through the power of unconstitutional executive orders, Obama has just granted doctors the power to place you on the FBI's "no buy" list for firearms merely for having the opinion that you're "mentally ill."

Yep, there's no scientific test, no hard evidence and no chance to defend yourself... doctors can now simply DECIDE that you're mentally ill and have all your guns taken away.

This power, remember, is being given to a class of corrupt professionals who are almost universally on the take from Big Pharma, receiving routine bribes and drug peddling influence that encourages them to drug everybody with psychiatric drugs that drive people insane.

Even worse, many doctors already believe that anyone who owns a gun is insane to begin with, and there's the catch-22: If you want to own a gun, you must be insane and therefore should be denied the right to own a gun.

All this comes down to just one more good reason who fewer and fewer people are now visiting mainstream (conventional) doctors. They're now SNITCHES for the feds!


Besides trying to make all gun owners register their own guns, the Obama Gun Grab doesn’t allow mental health to play out in the courts. All non-Marxists could be declared mentally ill by select Marxist doctors. We need due process in these cases.  Most conservative veterans could be found “mentally ill” without a defense lawyer and their own doctor’s testimony. Parents could be subject to prosecution for not locking up their guns if their child takes those guns and commits a crime and is found by a court to be mentally ill.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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